Sermon Illustrations about Spiritual Thirst
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Spiritual Thirst to help bring your sermon to life.
Finding Hope in Tragedy
After her daughter was born, Nancy [Guthrie] knew something was wrong. Though she named the baby Hope, there wasn't much to be hopeful about. Born ...
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On Being Accident-Prone
A rabbi taught that experiences of God can never be planned or achieved. "They are spontaneous moments of grace, almost accidental."
His student ...
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Beethoven Unknowingly Poisoned Himself
In 2000, an Illinois scientist named William Walsh studied strands of hair from the body of famous classical composer Ludwig Van Beethoven. By studying ...
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A Prayer for Disturbance
Explorer Sir Francis Drake prayed:
Disturb us, Lord, when we are too well pleased with ourselves, when our dreams have come true because we have dreamed ...
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Homeless Alcoholic Craves Living Water
Philip Yancey writes in Christianity Today of an encouraging truth he heard from a young man named Mike who works among the homeless:
Mike told me that ...
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Seek Him First
Whenever we place a higher priority on solving our problems than on pursuing God, we are immoral.
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Seeking God's Face
We ought to see the face of God every morning before we see the face of man.
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Use It or Lose It
A fellow who had been reared in the city bought a farm and several milk cows. In the feed store one day he complained his best cow had gone dry.
"Aren't ...
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