Sermon Illustrations about Spouse
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Spouse to help bring your sermon to life.
An Inseparable Love
After being married for 68 years, Minnesota sweethearts died a day apart --a testament, their kids say, to their independence and devotion to each other. ...
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A Woman's Struggle with ‘Submit to Your Husband’
In her book Confronting Christianity, Rebecca McLaughlin writes about her struggles with the concept of submitting to her husband (as found in Ephesians ...
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Marriage is Not a Magical Fantasy
People magazine reports that congrats are in order again for Justin Bieber and his wife, Hailey Baldwin. The couple retied the knot, on September 30th, ...
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What’s the Point of Marriage?
Author Heather Havrilesky recently wrote in an article titled “Is Marriage Obsolete?”:
Isn’t it reasonable to question the value of a ...
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The Village Where Men and Women Speak Different Languages
In Ubang, southern Nigeria, men and women speak different languages. They view this unique difference as “a blessing from God.” Dressed in ...
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The Bible's High View of Singleness
In her book The Significance of Singleness, Christina Hitchcock writes:
A journalist named Kate Bolick wrote an article for The Atlantic magazine looking ...
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Faithful Christian Marriage Models God's Love
Christopher Ash reflects on the testimony of Christian marriages in his book Married for God:
Some years ago a dispute arose in Britain between Foreign ...
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Married or Cohabiting: The Brain Knows the Difference
A study utilizing magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sought to examine the brain functioning of cohabitating and married women when facing stress. Researchers ...
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Einstein Listed Marital Expectations for His Wife
A collection of Einstein's letters auctioned off in 1996 contains a list of marital expectations for his wife, Maliva Maric. The list includes daily ...
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Husband with Alzheimer's Proposed Again to His Wife of 38 Years
Michael Joyce's memory and some of his speech have been snatched by Alzheimer's. The disease is so advanced that he forgot he was married to his ...
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