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Sermon Illustrations about Steadfastness

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Steadfastness to help bring your sermon to life.

Adversity Made Ancient Societies More Resilient

From the Roman Empire to the Maya civilization, history is filled with social collapses. Traditionally, historians have studied these downturns qualitatively, ...

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The Sprinter Who Held Fast

Eric Liddell took his starting spot in the finals for the 400 meters. More than 6,000 paying spectators filled the stadium on that warm Friday night in ...

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The Ending Is More Important Than the Beginning

In their book The Power of Moments, Chip and Dan Heath describe an experiment in which participants underwent three painful trials. In the first, they ...

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Finishing Well

Many professional athletes have their trademarks when it comes to celebrating their wins. Tiger Woods has his legendary fist pump. The eight-time Olympic ...

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God, Grades, and Graduation

Want your kids to do better in school? Church might be the answer, according to a study conducted by the University of Notre Dame. An article titled, ...

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President Lincoln Wasn’t Tied to ‘Opinion Polls’

Wall Street Journal writer Joseph Epstein notes that the opinion poll has been around for more than a century. They gained authority in the 1940s with ...

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The Danger of Checkpoint 24

Each year about four dozen athletes gather in Minnesota for the St. Croix 40 Winter Ultra. Runners spend good money to embark on a 40-mile ultra-marathon, ...

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Five Traits of Young People who Stick with the Faith

What does it take to raise children who will continue in the faith as adults? A new study from the Barna Group set out to study what they call “resilient ...

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Old Trees don't Get Taller, They Bulk Up like a Bodybuilder

Old trees may not grow taller every year, but they do keep bulking up—like a human bodybuilder. That's the summary of recent research into the ...

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What We Believe About Our Future Controls How We Experience Our Present

Imagine you have two women of the same age, the same socioeconomic status, the same educational level, and even the same temperament. You hire both of ...

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