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Sermon Illustrations about Stinginess

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Stinginess to help bring your sermon to life.

Warren Buffett's 'Jerk Doctrine' of Riches

A Harvard Business Review blog calls it Warren Buffet's "jerk doctrine." Buffett, one of the wealthiest people in the world, once said, ...

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Termites Eat Millions of Indian Rupees

It was an all-you-can-eat buffet at the bank. An army of termites munched through 10 million rupees ($222,000) in currency notes stored in a steel chest ...

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Tim Keller: We Can't See Our Own Greed

Tim Keller writes:

Some years ago I was doing a seven-part series of talks on the Seven Deadly Sins at a men's breakfast. My wife, Kathy, told me, ...

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Spending Habits in the World of Virtual Games

Many use Facebook as a way to keep in touch with friends and acquaintances, but others use it to play games that involve virtual farms, virtual pets, ...

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Man Gives to Beggar for Wrong Reason

Author Ed Dobson wrote a book titled The Year of Living Like Jesus, in which he tells the story in diary form of how he tried to live as Jesus lived and ...

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Little Girl Helps Family Discover "The Power of Half"

While waiting at a traffic light with her parents in Atlanta, Georgia, Kevin and Joan Salwen's 14-year-old daughter, Hannah, saw a black Mercedes ...

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Mattress with One Million Dollars Tossed in Garbage

Jesus warned against piling up money on earth, because money comes and goes. A sad reminder of the vulnerability of money came with the June 2009 news ...

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The Failure of "Almost"

Since the 1940s, the Ad Council has been the leading producer of public service announcements. Of the thousands of commercials they have produced, their ...

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Pitifully Small Donations of the Richest Christians in History

In his Books & Culture article "A Lot of Lattés," Ron Sider reviews Passing the Plate: Why American Christians Don't Give Away ...

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The Robynson Family's Christmas Tradition

We all have various Christmas traditions. Few of us probably have a tradition quite like the Robynson family's. In his book Crazy Love, Francis Chan ...

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