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Sermon Illustrations about Submission

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Submission to help bring your sermon to life.

A Higher Order

Tired of struggling with my strong-willed 3-year-old son, Thomas, I looked him in the eye and asked a question I felt sure would bring him in line: "Thomas, ...

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Prepare for the Unexpected

We all tend to prescribe the answers to our prayers. We think that God can come in only one way. But Scripture teaches us that God sometimes answers our ...

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Lifetime Surrender

One does not surrender a life in an instant. That which is lifelong can only be surrendered in a lifetime.

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Significant Submission

To have God do his own work through us, even once, is better than a lifetime of human striving.

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The Leader's Prayer

Dear God, I find it so easy to try to be the one in charge. I find it so painful to realize that I am not the one in control. Help me know when saying ...

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Managing the Self

No one has any more time than you have. It is the discipline and stewardship of your time that is important. The management of time is the management ...

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The Wrong Blessing?

Tell me if you think [this] a vain subtlety. I am beginning to feel that we need a preliminary act of submission not only towards possible future afflictions ...

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Part of God's Plan

I have a sign in the mirror of my room I see it every morning in my groggy condition, when I first wake up: WHAT HAVE YOU GOT GOING TODAY, GOD? I'D ...

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Misguided Requests

Oh, I wish that God had not given me what I prayed for! It was not so good as I thought.

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God's Initiative

God must reserve for Himself the right of the initiative, the right to break into my life without question or explanation. That shattering phone call, ...

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