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Sermon Illustrations about Supernatural

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Supernatural to help bring your sermon to life.

Angels Are Like Hummingbirds, You Have to Have Eyes to See Them

Scott McKnight writes in “The Hum of Angels”:

I was visiting a bird-supplies store when I mentioned to the owner that my wife and I had owned ...

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Journalist Now Believes in the Reality of Evil

NPR (National Public Radio) journalist Scott Simon has always avoided using the word "evil" when covering terrible events around the globe. ...

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'Exorcist' Director Meets a Real Exorcism

William Friedkin directed the 1973 movie The Exorcist. It became one of the highest-grossing films in history, was a major pop culture influence, and ...

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Psychiatrist Explains His Belief in Demon Possession

The Washington Post ran a controversial op-ed piece titled, "As a psychiatrist, I diagnose mental illness. Also, I help spot demonic possession." ...

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The World Is More Religious Than Ever

Is our world becoming overwhelming secular? Not exactly, says researcher Rodney Stark. In his book The Triumph of Faith, Stark argues that our world is ...

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Catching Sleep, Catching Revival

Even though our churches are only able to be the object of revival rather than its producer, I don't think our waiting is as passive as it seems. ...

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Distracted People Miss Clown on Unicycle

As [one researcher has] described it, our brain blinds our mind to the unusual. For instance, in one study, researchers put a clown on a unicycle in the ...

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Magazine Claims We Know Miracles Don't Happen

In an article in The New Yorker about faith and belief, Adam Gopnik made the following confident statement: "We know … that in the billions ...

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Researchers Identify 'The Perception of Incongruity'

In 1949, researchers asked a group of students at Ivy League schools to perform a simple task: identify playing cards. There were just two catches. First, ...

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Scientist Guesses Jesus Walked on Patch of Ice

Did Jesus really walk on water? Or maybe he just surfed on a patch of ice. That's the conclusion of a 2006 scientific article published in everyone's ...

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