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Sermon Illustrations about Support

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Support to help bring your sermon to life.

Sheriff Won’t Respond to 911 Calls After Library Supports BLM

Sheriff Dan Coverley had a message for the local library system after they released a statement including support for Black Lives Matter:

Coverley wrote ...

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WNBA Superstar Put Career on Hold to Help Free a Man from Prison

Perennial WNBA All-Star and Minnesota Lynx forward Maya Moore has been a winner throughout her career, but she recently experienced a different kind of ...

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How Dogs and Humans Learn Helplessness

In his best-selling book Essentialism, author Greg McKeown describes how we develop a sense of what’s called “learned helplessness.”

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Adoptive Parents on Plane Showered with Love and Encouragement

After Dustin and Caren Moore asked a flight attendant for help changing their newborn daughter, they received much, much more than what they asked for. ...

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A Powerful Lesson on Leadership

Abdul Kalam, former President of India, once shared this powerful example of a vital quality of good leadership. In 1979, he was the Project Director ...

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Kindergarten Class Shows Up for Adoption Hearing

When five-year-old Michael showed up at the courthouse for an adoption hearing with his foster parents, he found a group of surprise visitors waiting--his ...

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Last Place Marathon Runners Inspire Each Other To Finish

Laura Mazur and Jessica Robertson had never met before they reached the mile 14 marker at the Pittsburgh Marathon. Mazur was running her 12th marathon ...

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NBA Star's Consistent Encouragement Helps Teammates Flourish

When Damian Lillard received the news that one of his new teammates had a checkered reputation, Lillard immediately took steps toward building relationship ...

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NFLer Steps Up to Help Rebuild Burned Churches

While Ben Watson was considering retirement, a new opportunity appeared. Staying true to his aggressive playing style, he jumped on it. As a former tight ...

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Teens Step Up to Help Woman Threatening Suicide

Training as an athlete often means maintaining a heightened situational awareness. A group of middle school boys on the Kepler School volleyball team ...

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