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Sermon Illustrations about Suspicion

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Suspicion to help bring your sermon to life.

Are You Hiding Something? Someone Is Watching!

Do you have something to hide? A new survey finds that 82% of people admit to snooping through someone else’s devices. Moreover, the most likely ...

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Facial Scar Discrimination Experiment

In a YouTube video, political commentor Konstantin Kisin reported:

They did an experiment with a group of women and they put scars on their faces. They ...

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The Quest for Significance Can Lead to Extremes

In 2021, several psychologists made an in-depth study into what drives people to political and social extremes. This can result in beliefs in a wide range ...

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Using Conspiracy Theories to Tame Life's Chaos

On the unusually cold morning of January 28, 1986, the Challenger space shuttle blew apart 73 seconds after liftoff, killing all seven astronauts on board. ...

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Man Buried with 'Tools for His Escape'

When someone requests a grave with a view, it’s usually a plot overlooking a valley or an ocean—not an actual window down to the casket underground. ...

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Woman Asks for Proof to Verify Officer Identity

When Portland police contacted a woman named Amanda to tell her that they found her previously stolen ID, Amanda wasn’t entirely convinced. According ...

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Getting to the Heart of Conspiracy Beliefs

Over the years belief in conspiracy theories have proliferated in America and in many parts of the world. Some of them include:

-The US government deposits ...

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Suspicious Neighbor Calls 911 on Legislator Visiting Constituents

A local lawmaker running for re-election was going door-to-door to check in with members in her district when she got a surprise visit from a local deputy. ...

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Black Teenager Seeks Directions, Receives Gunshot

Fourteen-year-old Brennan Walker missed his bus and lost his sense of direction. Unfortunately, he almost lost his life. Instructed by his mother to walk ...

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The Man Who Saved the World by Doing Nothing

The defining moment of Stanislav Petrov's life was the moment he decided to do nothing.

The Russian military duty officer was just a few hours into ...

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