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Sermon Illustrations about Sympathy

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Sympathy to help bring your sermon to life.

Pay Attention to the Pain

When the Spirit, revealing the will of God for the world, creates in the heart a great pain and a great discontent, do not check it. That is what Christian ...

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Prayer for Understanding

Grant me, O Lord, an understanding heart, that I may see into the hearts of thy people, and know their strengths and weaknesses, their hopes and their ...

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Forgetting the Emotions of Others

I'm not as prone to manipulate people's emotions as I am to forget them.

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Beauty of Character

While many would not hesitate to say that great beauty is the characteristic that makes most women outstanding, several experts on the subject tend to ...

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Tragic Loneliness

We need to see that universal sickness, that innumerable throng of men and women laden down with their secrets, laden down with their fears, their sufferings, ...

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Winsome Compassion

I read recently of a teaching hospital that found one of its young resident students had a marvelous effect on children. They responded to him with delight. ...

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Saying You're Sorry

Women say "I'm sorry" a lot more often than men. Does that mean they're doing more things they have to apologize for? Nope, says Georgetown ...

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Show You Care

A young boy, on an errand for his mother, had just bought a dozen eggs. Walking out of the store, he tripped and dropped the sack. All the eggs broke, ...

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We need people who, as a part of their responsibility in life, will carry the burdens and wounds of other people and be outraged by them.

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Emotional Needs Come First

Meeting the emotional needs of people comes first. They want to know, "Do you like me?" and "Can I find a place here?"

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