Sermon Illustrations about Technology
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Technology to help bring your sermon to life.
Facial Recognition Snafus Ensnare Innocent
A recent study by The Washington Post has revealed a startling number of cases where innocent people have been accused or arrested for crimes because ...
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Man Uses Drone to Find Lost Pets
After losing his dog for 19 days, one Utah man turned heartbreak into action, using cutting-edge drone technology to help others.
Keith Anderson’s ...
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Zoos’ Dilemma: Gorillas’ Screen Time
Many zoos are facing a new dilemma: gorillas and screen time. Great apes have become interested in watching videos of themselves on the phones of visitors. ...
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Fences and Faith: A History of Security
You see them everywhere, from rural fields to suburban yards. Fences come in many different styles, and just about everyone seems to have one. They represent ...
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Streaming Services Efforts to Grab Your Attention
Disney is trying to be as addictive as Netflix, and they want to grab and keep your attention. Disney spent years trying to attract new subscribers to ...
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Can You Spot an AI Scam?
Almost half of Americans (48%) believe that the rise of artificial intelligence has made them less “scam-savvy” than ever before. With AI ...
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The Amazing Speed of Artificial Intelligence
Computers used for gaming include a graphics card (GPU) separate from the CPU (central processing unit). How many calculations do you think your graphics ...
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The Rise of the Irate Customer
If you find yourself being more impatient than ever before when interacting with people in customer service roles—or if you’ve noticed other ...
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Calming Kids this Way Could Backfire
In today’s digital age, it’s become increasingly common for parents to hand their upset child a smartphone or tablet to calm them down. But ...
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How Multitasking Messes with Your Prayer Life
An article on the website First Things advocates one simple way to improve your prayer life—stop multitasking. David Ousley writes:
Multitasking ...
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