Sermon Illustrations about Tenacity
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Tenacity to help bring your sermon to life.
This One Thing Makes Success Look Easy
It's easy to envy the success of others while ignoring the sacrifices that made it possible. The more effortless something looks, the more effort ...
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Solzhenitsyn Finds Strength to Go On
There's a great story about Alexander Solzhenitsyn, the Russian writer who spent years in a Siberian prison. At one point he had become completely ...
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U2 Perseveres and Makes One of Their Best Songs
When U2 were recording their album the Joshua Tree, they spent more time working on the song “Where the Streets Have No Name” than the rest ...
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The Danger of Checkpoint 24
Each year about four dozen athletes gather in Minnesota for the St. Croix 40 Winter Ultra. Runners spend good money to embark on a 40-mile ultra-marathon, ...
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Finishing the Christian Race Well
When the Olympic Games of 1964 were held in Tokyo, Sri Lanka sent a contingent to the games, including a 10,000-meter runner by the name of Ranatunge ...
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With Crushed Hands, Woman Dials 911 with Toes
A woman suffered catastrophic injuries to her hands while changing a tire on the side of the local interstate highway. Yet she didn’t let that stop ...
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Last Place Marathon Runners Inspire Each Other To Finish
Laura Mazur and Jessica Robertson had never met before they reached the mile 14 marker at the Pittsburgh Marathon. Mazur was running her 12th marathon ...
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Ousted Hip-Hop Country Single Tops Billboard Charts
When newcomer Lil Nas X was told his viral single was being removed from a Billboard chart, that might’ve looked like the end of his run of success. ...
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Banned Soccer Fan Rents Crane to Watch Match
An enterprising soccer fan made heads turn when he found a way to circumvent the rules preventing him from enjoying his favorite team.
Ali Demirkaya, nicknamed ...
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Olympian Jim Thorpe Won Gold Medals with Discarded Shoes
The famous Olympic athlete Jim Thorpe was no stranger to adversity. Growing up in the early 1900's as a Native American, Jim experienced his fair ...
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