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Sermon Illustrations about Test

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School for the Blind Challenges its Students

As a young adult, writer Andrew Leland was diagnosed with a rare disorder that caused him to become blind. In a New Yorker article, he notes that throughout ...

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The Ending Is More Important Than the Beginning

In their book The Power of Moments, Chip and Dan Heath describe an experiment in which participants underwent three painful trials. In the first, they ...

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Company Recycles Used Electronics for Precious Metals

Ever wonder what happens to all the laptops, cell phones, and other electronics people use after they’re done with them? Some of them end up at ...

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Becoming a Christian Almost Got Her Killed

Vivian Prodan was born in Communist Romania under the brutal totalitarian regime of Nicolae Ceauescu (“Chow-sches-coo”). A place where questioning ...

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Cheating at Colleges Soars During the Pandemic

Mariam Aly, an assistant professor at Columbia University, has tried everything to keep her students from cheating. In her cognitive neuroscience class, ...

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We Are Better Together Than in Isolation

The "marshmallow test" is a classic research project that illustrates our lack of self-control and delayed gratification. For the study, the ...

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Woman Asks for Proof to Verify Officer Identity

When Portland police contacted a woman named Amanda to tell her that they found her previously stolen ID, Amanda wasn’t entirely convinced. According ...

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Grandmothers 19 Times More Likely to Die Before College Exams

In his book, Dan Ariely talks about our tendency to be dishonest when we're in a tough spot. John Ortberg expounds on it in his book, Soul Keeping: ...

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Climber Trapped in Crevasse Goes Deeper into the Void

In her book The Vulnerable Pastor, Mandy Smith tells the story of mountaineer Joe Simpson, shared in Simpson's memoir Touching The Void:

Thousands ...

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Robbery Victims Reach Out to Their Neighborhood

In her book Openness Unhindered, Rosaria Butterfield writes about a robbery that occurred in her home. The thieves took her mother's precious jewelry, ...

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