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Sermon Illustrations about Testing

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Testing to help bring your sermon to life.

Why Storms Are Necessary for Survival

In the 1980s, a research facility called Biosphere 2 built a closed ecosystem to test what it would take to eventually colonize space. Everything was ...

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Christianity Is the World’s Most Persecuted Religion

The group Open Doors USA figures that in 2023, 360 million Christians lived in countries where persecution was “significant.” Roughly 5,600 ...

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Stress Can Shrink Your Brain

There's been a lot of research about stress and here's the bad news: it's really bad for your body and your brain. Dr. Rajita Sinha imaged ...

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Persecution of Christians in Occupied Ukraine

For some governments, persecuting Christians is the default mode. Matthew Luxmoore reports that Evangelical churches are being targeted by Moscow in Russian-held ...

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Pentecostal Pastor Begins 10 Years in Prison

In Iran, Anooshavan Avedian, an Iranian Armenian pastor, started the 10-year prison sentence he received last year for “propaganda contrary to and ...

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The Western World Has a Crisis of Courage

An article in The Financial Times claims that “the west is suffering from a crisis of courage.” The author notes:

And the problem is much broader ...

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Top Countries that Persecuted Christians in 2024

Almost 5,000 Christians were killed for their faith in 2023. Almost 4,000 were abducted. Nearly 15,000 churches were attacked or closed. And more than ...

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School for the Blind Challenges its Students

As a young adult, writer Andrew Leland was diagnosed with a rare disorder that caused him to become blind. In a New Yorker article, he notes that throughout ...

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Why a Muslim Mom Followed Jesus

In his gripping memoir, Everything Sad Is Untrue, Daniel Nayeri recounts the gripping story about why his mother became a Christian.

She grew up in a devout ...

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The Ending Is More Important Than the Beginning

In their book The Power of Moments, Chip and Dan Heath describe an experiment in which participants underwent three painful trials. In the first, they ...

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