Sermon Illustrations about Thief
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Thief to help bring your sermon to life.
Brussels Roadway Thwarted By Hungry Mice
It may seem like the European Union has enough on its hands these days, but a local news story seems to be adding insult to injury. The capital city's ...
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Burglar Leaves Trail of Cheetos
"Be sure your sin will find you out," Numbers 32:23 tells us. But in the case of this story, we could also say "Be sure your Cheetos will ...
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Experiment Shows How the Law Leads to Sin
Robert Cialdini, a researcher and an expert on the theory of persuasion, conducted an experiment at the Petrified Forest National Park in Arizona. The ...
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Stolen Chair Returned 18 Years Later
One night before Christmas, Clay and Velma Lykins of Jefferson County, Kentucky, stepped onto their porch to turn off the Christmas lights and saw a large ...
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Applying God's Word Gets Preacher Run Out of Town
In the American frontier days, there was a settlement in the West whose citizens were engaged in the lumber business. The town felt they wanted a church. ...
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Watching Eyes Reduce Crime, Increase Donations
How would your behavior change if you thought someone was watching you? Two recent studies suggest that you might start acting more honestly. A 2006 study ...
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Your Cheetos Will Find You Out
The Bible clearly states, "You have sinned against the LORD, and be sure your sin will find you out" (Numbers 32:23). Well, in the case of this ...
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Lenten Laughs: A Hypocritical Robber
A priest was coming back to his rectory one evening in the dark when he was accosted by a robber who pulled a gun on him and demanded, "Your money ...
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Shoplifters Ordered to Wear Embarrassing Signs
The Scarlet Letter is alive and well in Attalla, Alabama. A judge ordered two shoplifters to stand at a Wal-Mart entrance for eight hours, wearing signs ...
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Little Girl's Interesting Error
As a pastor, I occasionally have members leave notes or offerings on my desk for various reasons. A 12-year-old member of our church recently left a five-dollar ...
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