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Sermon Illustrations about Timidity

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Timidity to help bring your sermon to life.

Building Walls to Avoid Hurt

A surefire way to never get hurt: Imagine a life free from heartache and disappointment, a world where you are impervious to the pain that comes with ...

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The Western World Has a Crisis of Courage

An article in The Financial Times claims that “the west is suffering from a crisis of courage.” The author notes:

And the problem is much broader ...

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Olympic Athletes Admit Their Fears

When journalist John Branch covered the Winter Olympics in 2022, he observed the level of fear that athletes face. Branch wrote:

The Winter Olympics are ...

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Officer Fails to Intimidate 12-Year-Old Journalist

Conventional story says that journalists should avoid becoming a part of the story they are trying to cover. But when budding reporter Hilde Lysak left ...

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At Gun Point, New York Child Refuses to Part with Chicken Nugget

A 12-year-old girl in New York City is being hailed for her bravery in a recent argument with a male classmate that almost turned violent. The dispute? ...

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Comedian Told to 'Embrace Bombing' to Get Better

The NPR radio show "This American Life" featured a story about a French comedian named Gad Elmaleh, probably the most famous stand-up comedian ...

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Ancient Mapmakers Marked 'Here Be Dragons'

Medieval cartographers (mapmakers) sketched hic sunt dragones (translated "there be dragons") on the edges of their maps. Those three words ...

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We Need 'Twenty Seconds of Insane Courage'

The 2011 film We Bought a Zoo was based on the true story of a British man named Benjamin Mee. In 2006 Mee and his family purchased and moved into a 30-acre ...

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Novelist Wendell Berry's Sketch of a Man Who Was Never Present

In his novel Jayber Crow, Wendell Berry describes a character from the fictional town of Port William named Ray Overhold, a quiet, smiling man who "was ...

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We Want Our Mechanic and Our Doctor to Speak the Truth

Imagine picking your car up from the shop after a routine tune-up, and the technician says, "This car is in great shape. Clearly you have an automotive ...

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