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Sermon Illustrations about Tradition

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Tradition to help bring your sermon to life.

Lifestyle Worth More Than Profit

At the great market in Mexico City, an old native named Pota-lamo had twenty strings of onions hanging for sale.

An American tourist asked him, "How ...

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Communion Misunderstood

I'm thinking of a small-town church in upstate New York. They'd had a rector in that church for over thirty-five years. He was loved by the church ...

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November Holidays

There's much more to November than just Thanksgiving. Like, I bet you didn't know this is both International Drum Month and Peanut Butter Lover's Month. ...

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March Celebrations

Did you know that March is National Noodle Month?

It's true. It's also National Frozen Food Month, National Peanut Month, and, to top it all off, National ...

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Religious Neutrality Only Produces Disdain

Neutrality to religion guarantees neutrality to those very values that issue from religion. As justice William O. Douglas said, if "in every and ...

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Lies and Relics

What lies there are about relics! One claims to have a feather from the wing of the angel Gabriel, and the Bishop of Mainz has a flame from Moses' ...

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Marx's Truth

When all the political foundations of religion are wiped out, when the organization and the institutional structure of the church are destroyed, then ...

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Happiness in Black and White

At a wedding we were attending, my granddaughter Melissa asked, "Why is a bride always dressed in white?"

"Because white represents happiness ...

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Address the Changing World

If church leaders don't address the changing world, what was once a vital church will become, within a generation, the equivalent of a religious historical ...

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The Importance of History

How shall we labor with any effect to build up the church, if we have no thorough knowledge of her history, or fail to apprehend it from the proper point ...

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