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Sermon Illustrations about Transience

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Transience to help bring your sermon to life.

Father Encourages Son Through Prayer

John Ashcroft writes:

Many kids wake up to the smell of coffee brewing or the sound of a rooster crowing. My wake-up call was my father's passionate ...

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How to Know When You Are Getting Old

Author and pastor Greg Laurie offers the following advice about determining whether or not you are growing old:

• You know you're getting old ...

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George Lucas Seeks to Tell Relevant Stories

In an interview with Wired magazine, filmmaker George Lucas was asked how he would be remembered. Lucas replied:

I'll be remembered as a filmmaker. ...

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Sinclair Lewis's Ashes Swept Up off the Floor

February 7 is the day Sinclair Lewis was born in 1885 at Saulk Center, Minnesota.

Lewis won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1930. His best known works ...

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Earthly Memorials vs. Heavenly Glory

Tombstones are getting updated, at least in Hollywood. At Hollywood Forever, a 64-acre cemetery next to Paramount Studios, they produce multimedia narratives ...

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Written in Snow

Here is a good searching question for a man to ask himself as he reviews his past life: Have I written in the snow? Will my life-work endure the lapse ...

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