Sermon Illustrations about Treasure
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Treasure to help bring your sermon to life.
The Poor Are the Church's Real Treasure
In the middle of the third century there was a Christian leader named Lawrence who served as a deacon in the Church of Rome. According to tradition, Lawrence ...
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Alleged Stradivarius Is Merely an Imitation
In an episode of the History Channel's reality show about a Las Vegas pawn shop, a man brought in a violin and asked for an appraisal. According to ...
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Father Mistakes Daughter's Treasure as Trash
In one of his books, writer Robert Fulgham tells the story of when his daughter was a little girl and gave him a paper bag to take with him to work. When ...
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Englishman Finds Buried, Anglo Saxon Treasure
In September 2009, British archeologists announced that an amateur treasure hunter in England had made what is probably the most significant discovery ...
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Master Violinist Goes Unrecognized
Joshua Bell emerged from the Metro and positioned himself against a wall beside a trash basket. By most measures, he was nondescript—a youngish ...
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Tithe Tied Up in Brooms
A church member stopped the pastor and angrily complained that the church had purchased five new brooms—an expenditure that he thought was completely ...
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Discovery in a Time of Dryness
In 1986 two brothers who live in a kibbutz near the Sea of Galilee made an incredible discovery. As these two Israeli fishermen monitored their equipment ...
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Treasure in the Trash
Craig Randall drives a garbage truck in Peabody, Massachusetts. In a garbage container one day, he noticed a Wendy's soft drink cup bearing a contest ...
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