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Sermon Illustrations about Trial

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Trial to help bring your sermon to life.

The Democracy of Suffering

The kingdom of suffering is a democracy, and we all stand in it or alongside it with nothing but our naked humanity.

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Taking Advantage of the Floor

When life knocks you to your knees--well, that's the best position in which to pray, isn't it?

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Tribulation's Lessons

As soon as we know our dependence, our own nothingness, we begin, by dying, to live. In this is our only hope: that knowing our nothingness, we come to ...

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Life's Tough without Jesus

Jesus holds the answers to all of the everyday problems that you face. I am talking about an acceptance and belief in Jesus, heaven, and God. I guess ...

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Strengthened by a Cross

He knows not his own strength that hath not met adversity. Heaven prepares good men with crosses.

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Broken Things

God uses broken things. Broken soil to produce a crop, broken clouds to give rain, broken grain to give bread, broken bread to give strength. It is the ...

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The Madness of Christian Leadership

Christian leadership is both a meaningful and maddening vocation.

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Nearing the Shepherd's Fold

Shepherds say that sheep that have spent the summer in the high country and are on their way back to the shepherd's fold anticipate their homecoming. ...

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Don't Get Too Comfortable

People wish to be settled; only as far as they are unsettled is there any hope for them.

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Christ Shares Our Burdens

The heaviest end of the cross lies ever on His shoulders. If He bids us carry a burden, He carries it also.

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