Sermon Illustrations about Trinity
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Trinity to help bring your sermon to life.
Guidance - More than a Feeling
Watson Thornton was already serving as a missionary in Japan when he decided to join the Japan Evangelistic Band. He decided to travel to the town where ...
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Taking the Trinitarian Christ out of Christmas
Who is Jesus? Few questions could be more relevant at Christmas. Yet a new Lifeway Research study shows nearly half of Americans believe a Christological ...
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Leaving the Faith of My Fathers
In an issue of CT magazine, Lisa Brockman shares her testimony of leaving the Mormon Church and became a born-again Christian:
As a sixth-generation Mormon ...
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Leave Room for the Holy Spirit
The Trinity almost never comes up in the songs sung by American Christians, according to a new study from Southern Wesleyan University. In worship songs ...
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Our Weird Conceptions of the Trinity
Author Michael Reeves, author of the book Delighting in the Trinity, expresses our basic problem with the Trinity—that the Trinity is "seen ...
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N.T. Wright's Projected Last Words
When the Bible scholar N.T. (Tom) Wright was asked what he would tell his children on his deathbed he said, "Look at Jesus." Tom Wright explained ...
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The Trinity Works Together for Our Rescue
While every analogy of the Trinity has its limitations, this picture illustrates one aspect of our Triune God—that they are all on the same team. ...
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A Surprise Invitation to Baseball Hall of Fame
Skye Jethani uses the following personal story to illustrate the beauty of God as a Trinity, a party of love and goodness and power:
Have you ever found ...
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Molecules Help Young Muslim Embrace the Trinity
In his book Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus, Nabeel Quershi explains how an insight from organic chemistry helped him, as a young Muslim, to accept the truth ...
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Jesus Obeyed His Father 20 Million Billion Times
Here's one way to look at Jesus' earthly life of obedience to God the Father. Jesus lived approximately 33½ years, or 1,057,157,021 seconds. ...
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