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Sermon Illustrations about Trust in God

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Trust in God to help bring your sermon to life.

The Spike in Google Searches for Hope

For the past five years, one of the most searched terms on Google has been “hope.” It has outpaced searches for political upheavals, technological ...

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The Town with No Hope for the Future

There was a small town that had been selected to be the site of a hydroelectric plant. The plan was to set up a dam across the river which would result ...

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Anxiety Keeps 25% of Children Up at Night

For parents of young children, few things are as precious as a good night’s sleep—both for their child and for themselves. Yet many parents ...

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And the Verse of the Year Goes To…

Every year, YouVersion announces which Bible verses are the most shared, bookmarked, and highlighted by its users. The list often includes the classics ...

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How Long Is a Check Good for?

Imagine the thrill of opening your mailbox and finding a crisp, white envelope waiting for you. The anticipation builds as you tear it open, as you discover ...

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Are You Overwhelmed by the Headlines?

In today's fast-paced world, the constant stream of news can feel like a firehose. Political scandals, partisan squabbles, conspiracy theories, outrage, ...

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What’s Keeping You Afloat?

At the beginning of 2024 there was the launch of the world's largest cruise ship called The Icon of the Seas. CNBC called it the “Biggest, Baddest ...

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Who Is Doomsday Prepping in America?

U.S. politics continue to be a chaotic subject, and a new poll finds the majority of Americans are rapidly losing faith in their country’s leaders. ...

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People Don’t Trust Government to Prevent Doomsday

U.S. politics continue to be a chaotic subject, and a new poll finds the majority of Americans are rapidly losing faith in their country’s leaders. ...

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A God Who Listens and a God Who Speaks

In his autobiographical novel, Everything Sad is Untrue, Daniel Nayeri describes fleeing from Iran as a boy to escape persecution for his Christian faith. ...

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