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Sermon Illustrations about Trustworthiness

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Trustworthiness to help bring your sermon to life.

Companies Use Trust Words to Hide Their Untrustworthiness

Certain words that many companies use in their annual reports—words like ethical, integrity and responsibility—are meant to convey trustworthiness. ...

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Study Reveals Whom Children Really Trust

In a new study published in Computers in Human Behavior, a team evaluated 118 children aged three to six and found that overall, kids were more inclined ...

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Boeing Fails Federal Quality Audit

In March of 2024, aviation manufacturer Boeing announced changes to their internal processes after failing a safety audit by the Federal Aviation Administration ...

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Faulty Work Nearly Causes Airplane Crash

First, there was a pop. And then a big bang. Air loudly whooshed out of the side of the airplane, which was flying at 16,000 feet with an emergency exit ...

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The 2023 Word of the Year is ‘Authentic’

Separating fact from fiction is getting harder. Manipulating images—and creating increasingly convincing deepfakes—is getting easier. As what’s ...

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Words of the Year Reveal Our Biggest Fears

The moment we’ve all breathlessly waited for is finally here: Dictionaries are announcing their words of the year. In December, the US’s most ...

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People Trust Ghosts More Than Government

Just how bad are the polls for those in political office right now? It turns out more people are putting their faith in the dead than in living politicians. ...

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Experts Concerned About Chatbots Making Stuff Up

Gerrit De Vynck wrote a story in The Washington Post about how artificial intelligences respond to the errors they make.

Citing a recent MIT research paper, ...

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Misleading Police Statements on Use of Force

After doing an analysis of seven high-profile cases where people died as a result of use of force by police, Washington Post reporters Ashley Parker and ...

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Police Fail to Adhere to DOJ Settlement

Representatives from the city of Portland appeared in federal court to address the city’s ongoing lack of compliance with a 2014 settlement agreement ...

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