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Sermon Illustrations about Truth

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Truth to help bring your sermon to life.

Companies Use Trust Words to Hide Their Untrustworthiness

Certain words that many companies use in their annual reports—words like ethical, integrity and responsibility—are meant to convey trustworthiness. ...

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The Light of the Gospel

In his novel, This Is Happiness, Niall Williams’ elderly narrator, Noe (pronounced No), remembers when electricity and light came to their little ...

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Gen Z Workers Demoralized by Inconsistent Standards

According to Business Insider, a big turn off for Gen-Z workers is what workplace experts call “a double bind.” Jeanie Chang is an expert ...

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Rethinking Persuasion in a Post-Truth World

Sharing a Christian worldview with others can often create tense situations. Especially when we are talking with friends and family who do not share our ...

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Second Boeing Whistleblower Found Dead

After a two-week battle with a sudden fast-spreading infection, Joshua Dean, a former quality auditor at Boeing supplier Spirit AeroSystems, passed away. ...

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Internet Jokers Regret Royal Rumors

Because the British royal family lives under constant media scrutiny, it’s usual for any member of the family to stay out of the limelight for an ...

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Activist Explains Why She Converted to Christianity

Controversial activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali became well known when she published her 2007 memoir Infidel, which was an account of her life as a Muslim woman ...

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Why People Believe Their Own Lies

In an interesting piece of science, Nautilus looks at what happens to our brains when we don’t tell the truth. It turns out that the more you lie, ...

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The 2023 Word of the Year is ‘Authentic’

Separating fact from fiction is getting harder. Manipulating images—and creating increasingly convincing deepfakes—is getting easier. As what’s ...

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Dating App Users Experience Lack of Honesty

A chorus of discontent is emerging from the users of several popular dating apps like Hinge, Match, and Bumble. The consensus is that the experience has ...

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