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Sermon Illustrations about Unbelief

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Unbelief to help bring your sermon to life.

Substitutes for God

People repeatedly will choose substitutes for God.

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From Parent to Inlaw to Outlaw

Popular education once recognized Christianity as its mother, yet the academic world has somehow come to treat supernatural religion as a disaffected ...

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No Place for Faith

My break with faith occurred in me as it did and still does among people of our social and cultural type. As I see it, in most cases, it happens like ...

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If God Exists

If God exists, everything is possible; if there is no God, everything is permitted.

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Christianity Isn't Finished

Many think the Christian religion has run its course, and that the gloom of Good Friday is now settling over the long history of the church. But they ...

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It Only Hurts When You Hit Bottom

Peradventure some sinner will say, "perceive nor feel any weight in myself, do I ever so many sins." To whom we answer that if a dog having ...

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Ignoring God

According to the teaching of our Lord, what is wrong with the world is precisely that it does not believe in God. Yet it is clear that the unbelief which ...

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Practical Atheism

Most professing Christians, from liberals to fundamentalists, remain practical atheists. They think the church is sustained by the services it provides ...

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Pluralism Is Not New

While religious pluralism may be a novel experience for us, it is putting us in touch with the world that surrounded the biblical authors. The pluralism ...

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Pastors with Doubts

This week I've been involved in one of the most interesting conversations I have had in years. A group of sixteen pastors sat in a room; these were ...

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