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Sermon Illustrations about Uncertainty

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Uncertainty to help bring your sermon to life.

Americans Have Sense of Dread and Division

Two days after the attempted assassination of former President Trump, The Wall Street Journal ran an article with the following title:

“‘I’m ...

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The Hidden Reason for Rewatching Favorite Shows

There’s a funny thing that happens when we finish a TV series that we love. We’re left with that bittersweet feeling of saying goodbye to ...

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Stress Can Shrink Your Brain

There's been a lot of research about stress and here's the bad news: it's really bad for your body and your brain. Dr. Rajita Sinha imaged ...

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Americans Remain Pessimistic Despite the Economists

A reporter from The Wall Street Journal spoke to several people about the economy. One was Kristine Funck, a nurse in Ohio, has won steady pay raises, ...

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Apocalyptic Anxiety Rising

Doom and gloom over the state and future of humanity is prevalent and pervasive globally. A New York Times piece by Tyler Harper gives an excellent summary ...

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Our Language Is Growing Pessimistic

The Financial Times had a story on a fascinating study showing that our language has been growing more pessimistic. Whereas at the time of the scientific ...

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Many Trust AI and Social Media Over Their Doctor

A new survey reveals that more Americans are trusting social media and health-related websites for medical advice over an actual healthcare professional. ...

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People Pay to Get Lost on Vacation

Admit it. We’ve all dreamed of escaping our daily routine and walking off into the wilderness to explore the great unknown. The truth is, we all ...

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‘The American Dream’ is Slipping Out of Reach

The American dream—the proposition that anyone who works hard can get ahead, regardless of their background—has slipped out of reach in the ...

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The 2023 Word of the Year is ‘Authentic’

Separating fact from fiction is getting harder. Manipulating images—and creating increasingly convincing deepfakes—is getting easier. As what’s ...

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