Sermon Illustrations about Victory
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Victory to help bring your sermon to life.
Our Duty to the Church
The Church is like a great ship being pounded by the waves of life's different stresses. Our duty is not to abandon ship, but to keep her on course. ...
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Fish Stronger Than Nuclear Submarines
The nuclear submarine Thresher had heavy steel bulkheads and heavy steel armor, so it could dive deep and withstand the pressure of the ocean. Unfortunately, ...
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A Church to Move the World
"We do not want, as the newspapers say, a church that will move with the world. We want a church that will move the world."
—G. K. Chesterton
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Mom Helps Disabled Son Graduate
When Sumner Spence expressed his desire to attend college, many people scoffed because he suffers from cerebral palsy. Sumner can't read books because ...
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Chinese Prisoner Finds True Freedom
Thousands of Chinese Christians were killed during the Boxer Rebellion—a nationwide effort to snuff out any foreign influences in China that were ...
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Saharan Run Shows Amazing Endurance
Charlie Engle, Ray Zahab, and Kevin Lin know endurance better than most. For 111 days, they ran the equivalent of two marathons a day in order to cross ...
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Scholar Awed by African Tribal Creed
As a capstone to his lifelong interest in the central texts of the Christian faith, Jaroslav Pelikan edited (with Valerie Hotchkiss) what could only be ...
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Oklahoma City Tree Brings Hope
The most-sacred symbol in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, is a tree: a sprawling, shade-bearing, 80-year-old American Elm. Tourists drive from miles around to ...
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Man Remembers Soldiers Through Christmas Tradition
Every December since 1992, Morrill Worcester, owner of one of the world's largest holiday wreath companies, has taken time in the midst of his busiest ...
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Autistic Teen's Performance Inspires Joy
In February of 2006, an autistic high school senior named Jason McElwain taught his entire school a lesson on the reality of joy. Jason had served as ...
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