Sermon Illustrations about Vows
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Vows to help bring your sermon to life.
Cemeteries Becoming Trendy Wedding Venues
The New York Times unearthed a surprising trend in the wedding industry: Many couples are now choosing cemeteries as wedding venues. It’s a way ...
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Romania’s Matrimonial Prison
Tucked away in the church grounds of Biertan, a quiet village in Romania, there is a small cottage known as the “matrimonial prison.” It was ...
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Queen Elizabeth II Modeled Genuine Faith in Christ
On June 2, 1953, in the splendor of Westminster Abbey, a twenty-five-year-old woman knelt before the archbishop of Canterbury to seal the oaths she had ...
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Hollywood’s Unrealistic Love Stories
In a recent Cosmopolitan article, Pauline Jayne Isaac lists the 36 greatest on-screen love stories of all time. She begins:
The most famous movie couples ...
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Real Love Comes After ‘Being in Love’
In the novel Captain Corelli’s Mandolin (written in 1994) an older man named Dr. Iannis tells his daughter about his love for his late wife. He ...
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Actors Can't Live Up to Their Romantic Movie Personas
Americans say they believe in “true love.” In a recent survey, 61 percent of women and 72 percent of men believe in love at first sight. Another ...
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‘Love is Blind’? No, Love is Bound
There's a new reality dating show on Netflix called, "Love is Blind," that tries to test whether relationships can be successful based on ...
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What’s the Point of Marriage?
Author Heather Havrilesky recently wrote in an article titled “Is Marriage Obsolete?”:
Isn’t it reasonable to question the value of a ...
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Einstein Listed Marital Expectations for His Wife
A collection of Einstein's letters auctioned off in 1996 contains a list of marital expectations for his wife, Maliva Maric. The list includes daily ...
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What Real Romance Looks Like in Marriage
For a culture that's bought into the photo-shopped notion that romance equals euphoria, or blissful self-fulfillment, or nonstop infatuation, writer ...
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