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Sermon Illustrations about Wholehearted devotion

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Wholehearted devotion to help bring your sermon to life.

Stats Show People Long for Sex Within Marital Faithfulness

Americans talk a lot about sex. Anyone would think they’re having a lot of it. Instead, the opposite has happened. Young people are having less ...

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Climbing Mount Everest is Only Half the Battle

Jon Krakauer cleared the ice from his oxygen mask, hunched a shoulder against the wind, and straddled the summit of Mount Everest. It was 1:17 PM on May ...

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Matthew McConaughey Shares How His Son Was Named Levi

God blessed actor Matthew McConaughey and his wife, Camila Alves, with a little boy. As his son’s birthday approached, the star opened up about ...

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Engineers on the 'Titanic' Lay Down Their Lives for Others

When the Titanic crashed into an iceberg, the ship’s resources--light, electricity, heat, and so on--instantly were in danger of failing. However, ...

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Navy SEAL on the Importance of Small Things

Retired US Navy Four-Star Admiral William McRaven spoke to the students at the University of Texas about what needed to be done to change the world:

I ...

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A Simple ‘Yes’ Led to Lifelong Service

Herb Turetzky attended the New Jersey Americans’ first-ever ABA game in October 1967 expecting to be just a spectator. Turetzky, a student at LIU ...

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Seminary Student Killed for Witnessing

Michael Nnadi was a Nigerian, whose face projected a nearly supernatural joy. Michael was one of 270 students studying at the Good Shepherd Seminary in ...

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50 Countries Where It’s Most Dangerous to Follow Jesus in 2021

Every day, 13 Christians worldwide are killed because of their faith. And every day, 12 Christians are unjustly arrested or imprisoned, and another five ...

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They Chose to Stay

In the film Of Gods and Men, director Xavier Beauvois tells the story of a small group of mostly French monks living in Algeria during a time of civil ...

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Japanese Train Safety Improved by Learned Reflex

The workers on Japan’s rail system repeatedly call out to no one and point to seemingly nothing. A train driver checking his speed, for example, ...

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