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Sermon Illustrations about Wives

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Wives to help bring your sermon to life.

A Groom By Any Other Name

Quoted from Pastoral Life magazine: My pastor and I were talking about the advisability of writing down the names of the bride and groom and keeping them ...

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Tying the Knot

Running late for my wedding, I realized I had no laces for my shoes. I ran into a shoe store with shoes in hand. Shouting over the heads of the other ...

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Jitters at the Altar

Two ministers were discussing the advisability of writing down the names of brides and grooms to aid their memory at the ceremony. One man said, "I ...

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Don't Get Around Much Anymore

Being a pastor's wife demanded so much involvement in church activities that I rarely participated in any outside activities. My husband recognized ...

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The Choice of Submission

So, why did Paul tell wives to submit to husbands when they were in submission already? The clue is in the grammar. The verb "submit" is in ...

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