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Sermon Illustrations about Worldliness

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Worldliness to help bring your sermon to life.

Streaming Services Efforts to Grab Your Attention

Disney is trying to be as addictive as Netflix, and they want to grab and keep your attention. Disney spent years trying to attract new subscribers to ...

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Billionaire Sues After Getting Trapped in His Own Elevator

Palmer Luckey, is a billionaire tech entrepreneur who founded Oculus and parlayed that fortune into a career as a Silicon Valley defense contractor. Luckey ...

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Man Finds Freedom from TV Hypnosis

A man from Scotland noticed positive changes in his lifestyle after he decided to stop watching television in the evening. 41-year-old Stephen Clarke ...

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Stop Watching Mean People in Videos

Here's the conclusion from a study published in the journal Aggressive Behavior: Watching TV programs about mean people can make you a mean person. ...

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Tiktok’s Addictive Algorithm

A study of YouTube, TikTok, Snapchat, Instagram, and Facebook revealed that American Teens—by a large margin—use YouTube (71%) more than TikTok ...

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Agnostic Laments Declining Church Attendance

Journalist Derek Thompson is lamenting the decline of church attendance in America. As an agnostic, one would think he would be pleased. In a piece for ...

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Navigating the Clutter of the Information Age

New York Times Columnist Ezra Klein notes his theory why the Internet feels “so crummy” these days. It puts us into “shame closets.” ...

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Dad Creates Videogame to Raise Fentanyl Awareness

Kamal Bherwani is on a mission to use his tragedy to prevent other parents from suffering. But rather than just making a public service announcement, ...

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New Scents to Brighten Your Day

Giant companies that study us in hopes of unearthing insights that can help them sell more potato chips, laundry detergent, and lipstick have reached ...

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Childhood Love of Mail Replaced with Adult Fear of Mail

As 29-year-old Neha Wright checked her mailbox and brought in the latest batch of bills, she realized the moment had finally arrived: Her childhood love ...

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