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Sermon Illustrations about Worldliness

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Worldliness to help bring your sermon to life.

Sport as Religion

"Sport is America's newest and fastest-growing religion, far outdistancing whatever is in second place," says Charles S. Prebish, associate ...

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"Just Charge It, Silly"

A recent experience showed me just how powerful the trend is toward materialism. My 3-year-old daughter and I were leaving the record store when I noticed ...

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Dead to Materialism

O Lord, crucifie the world unto me, that though I cannot avoyd to live among the baites and snares of it, yet it may be so truely dead unto me and I unto ...

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"Objectivity" or the Breath of Hell

A young Englishman ... was in Germany when Nazis degraded the Jews in the streets. At first he was sick at the sight and rushed down a side street. The ...

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