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Sermon Illustrations about Worry

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Worry to help bring your sermon to life.

Dallas Willard Shares His Biggest Regret

Shortly before Dallas Willard died from cancer in 2013, Pastor John Ortberg asked him, "Do you regret anything?" Willard answered, "I regret ...

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Comic on Internet Medical Searches Shows Importance of Good Diagnosis

In the age of the internet, most of us diagnose our minor illnesses and injuries with a trip to Google rather than a trip to the doctor. But as this hilarious ...

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Three Ships Overload and Get Lost at Sea

In January 1999 the North Atlantic commercial fishing industry saw a deadly string of accidents. In a 13-day span, the Cape Fear, the Adriatic, and the ...

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Author Tries to Find a "Cure" for His Anxiety

In an article in The Atlantic magazine, Scott Stossel shares openly about his lifelong attempts to deal with the anguish of anxiety. From an early age ...

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Tim Keller on Unanswered Prayer

Tim Keller, reflecting on the passage, "Don't be anxious but make requests to God with thanksgiving", writes that, "We would expect ...

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The Fears of Famous People

Jennifer Aniston, Cher, and Whoopi Goldberg are all aviophobes. They are afraid of flying. Barbra Streisand is xenophobic—she is uncomfortable around ...

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Johnny Depp Says Alcohol Helps Him Cope

Johnny Depp says that he doesn't have a "physical need" for alcohol, but in an interview with Rolling Stone magazine he also admitted,

[Alcohol ...

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Only Humans Think about the Future

Harvard psychologist and researcher Daniel Gilbert opens his best-selling book Stumbling on Happiness with what he calls "The Sentence." "The ...

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A List of Ridiculous Product Warning Labels

Many American manufacturers are going to great lengths to protect themselves from getting sued. As a result, many companies now include stunningly obvious ...

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Sometimes God Simply Says, "Stop It!"

In his book Your Church Is Too Safe, Mark Buchanan writes:

My favorite YouTube video is a five-minute clip from an episode of The Bob Newhart Show. Bob, ...

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