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Sermon Illustrations about Worship

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Worship to help bring your sermon to life.

How Many Smells Are There?

How many smells are there? It’s an odd question, but give it some thought. Mentally flip through the pages of your personal smell catalog. You find ...

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Come, Now Is the Time to Entertain

Ligonier Ministries asked Americans a practical question about worship. “Must churches provide entertaining worship services if they want to be ...

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Hymn Ignored for 120 Years Becomes ‘Spiritual National Anthem’

In 1779, a British pastor published a hymnbook titled Onley Hymns. It became an immediate bestseller. The public largely ignored Hymn #41 in the collection, ...

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1 out of 3 New Guitars Are Purchased for Worship Music

Fender Musical Instruments Corporation sold a record number of guitars in 2020, driven in part by people forced to stay at home during the pandemic. The ...

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Momentary Transcendence in an Ancient Mausoleum

In his book With, author Skye Jethani describes the mausoleum of Galla Placidia in Italy:

Fifteen hundred years ago, the emperor of Rome built a tomb for ...

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Leave Room for the Holy Spirit

The Trinity almost never comes up in the songs sung by American Christians, according to a new study from Southern Wesleyan University. In worship songs ...

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Awe Can Quiet Your Stress

Jennifer Stellar, an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Toronto, has an ingenious plan to conduct "spring cleaning for your mind." ...

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A Hindu Meets Jesus in Worship

A Hindu tells the story of attending church for the first time as a teenage boy:

The small group of Indian believers met in a very run-down house, but ...

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Created to Clap

God looked with delight upon his handiwork at the end of each day of creation having found it good. Part of what it means for us to be created in God's ...

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DJ Streamer Attracts Bear with Music

When Jody Flemming started livestreaming his DJ set, he expected to gather an audience. But he didn’t expect anyone to congregate at his front door, ...

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