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Sermon Illustrations about Worth

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Worth to help bring your sermon to life.

Know Your Worth

Country music star Merle Haggard wrote the following lyrics after spending years in and out of prison:

When they let me out of prison, I held my head up ...

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Scientists Studying Value of Incomparably Rare Asteroid

Scientists at the Southwest Research Institute have been using the Hubble Space Telescope to observe a massive asteroid known as 16 Psyche. They recently ...

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Pandemic Forcing Many to Re-Examine Life Priorities

As any secular psychologist and sociologist will tell you, the average person definitely does not reassess their daily and lifetime priorities. Harvard ...

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Stuck in the ‘Everyday’? Try Searching for Truth

The 20th Century American Catholic writer, Walker Percy, wrote frequently about how life in the modern world alienates us from things that truly matter. ...

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This City Museum Is Made of Junk

Cyd Holsclaw and Geoffrey Holsclaw write in their book, Does God Really Like Me?:

A transformation by love is on full display at the City Museum in St. ...

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Delaware Community Rallied Around Lowly ‘Christmas Weed’

Many communities are forced to reckon with good things that somehow slip through the cracks. In Claymont, one of those things ended up as a blessing.

The ...

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How a Pizzeria Highlights the Gifts of Those with Down Syndrome

In 2000, two parents founded a pizzeria in Rome with the goal of employing people with Down syndrome. Inspired by their son, who had the condition, they ...

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Child's Gift Made Acceptable by the Provision of His Father

Once upon a time, there was a king who looked from his palace window and saw one of his children collecting flowers in a distant field. The king watched ...

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Girl Had 50 Questions for Father, but didn't want Answers

An episode of the This American Life podcast explored the touching relationship of a single dad, Matt Salyer, and his daughter, Rosie. When she was nine-years-old, ...

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Mr. Rogers Thanks All Who Loved Him Into Being

Fred Rogers was the creator of "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood," a children's television show that began airing in 1968 and ran until 2000—that's ...

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