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Sermon Illustrations about Wrath, divine

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Wrath, divine to help bring your sermon to life.

Super-Villains: Good Theology, Bad Solution

A series of contemporary superhero movies present super bad guys who at times demonstrate a biblical view of sin but the wrong cure for our sin. These ...

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Warnings About Sharks and Hell

British evangelist Rico Tice says, "Loving people means warning people." He illustrates with the following personal story:

I was once in Australia ...

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Judges Swayed By Lunch and Snack Breaks

Three researchers from the U.S. and Israel decided to test the legal adage that justice equals "what the judge ate for breakfast." The research ...

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Susan Sarandon Rejects Church but Fears Death

In an interview, actress and social activist Susan Sarandon talked about having long-given up on "organized religion." Sarandon who "nurtures ...

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The 'Wrath of God' Makes the News

Strangely enough, the 'wrath of God' became a news item. Here's what happened: A Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) committee wanted to add the ...

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Judge Sentences a Man for Yawning

Clifton Williams was headed to the courthouse in Joliet, Illinois to support his cousin, who was going to be sentenced. At the precise moment that Judge ...

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Judgment for a Crime Measured by the One Against Whom It Is Committed

Colin Smith addresses people who object to God's judgment on sin:

You may say, "Wait a minute. How can any sin deserve everlasting destruction? ...

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God's Love and Wrath Go Together

Miroslav Volf, a Christian theologian from Croatia, used to reject the concept of God's wrath. He thought that the idea of an angry God was barbaric, ...

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America's Four Gods

According to the authors of the book America's Four Gods, Americans differ widely from one another on two key areas of belief about God: (1) the level ...

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The Necessity of God's Wrath

The biblical doctrine of God's wrath is rooted in the doctrine of God as the good, wise and loving creator, who hates—yes, hates, and hates ...

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