Sermon Illustrations about Wrath
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Wrath to help bring your sermon to life.
Buoys Fail to Warn Islanders of Future Danger
On October 25, 2010, a massive earthquake set off a tsunami that struck some Indonesian Islands. The tsunamis leveled whole villages, leaving hundreds ...
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Knowing the God of the Bible, Not the God of Our Imaginations
In his book Soul Searching, Christian Smith summarized perceptions about God that are prevalent in the church and in contemporary culture. He said that ...
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The Necessity of God's Wrath
The biblical doctrine of God's wrath is rooted in the doctrine of God as the good, wise and loving creator, who hates—yes, hates, and hates ...
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Eugene Peterson on Our Dangerous Faith
Sometimes I think that all religious sites should be posted with signs reading, "Beware the God." The places and occasions that people gather ...
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Judgment Is Good News
The word judgment carries negative overtones for a good many people in our liberal and postliberal world. We need to remind ourselves that throughout ...
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Seven More Deadly Sins
We're all probably familiar with the Roman Catholic Church's list of seven deadly sins: pride, envy, gluttony, greed, lust, wrath, and sloth. ...
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Woman Throws Engagement Ring
One fine day in 1941, Violet Bailey and her fiancé Samuel Booth were strolling through the English countryside, deeply in love and engaged to be ...
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Students Shocked by Professor's Judgment
On the first day teaching his class of 250 college freshmen, R. C. Sproul carefully explained the assignment of three term papers. Each paper was due ...
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Saddam Refuses to Repent
Soon after Saddam Hussein's capture—out of an eight-foot hole that one observer said was filled with rats and mice—he was flown to a secret ...
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Buried Anger Will Explode
In a 1994 article, "Wars' Lethal Leftovers Threaten Europeans," Associated Press reporter Christopher Burns writes: "The bombs of World ...
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