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Sermon Illustrations about Young People

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Young People to help bring your sermon to life.

When the Internet Comes to Remote Amazon Tribes

As the village speeches dragged on, eyes drifted to screens. Teenagers scrolled Instagram. One man texted his girlfriend. And men crowded around a phone ...

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The Five Best Toys of All Time

As Christmas approaches, too many parents will be competing to track down and purchase the latest and greatest toy that their child has set their heart ...

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Snapchat Lets Users See How They Rank with Friends

A Snapchat feature lets paying users see their position in their friends’ digital orbits. For some teens, whose friends are everything, it’s ...

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Is Your Child’s Phone a Problem?

Jonathan Haidt is a social psychologist who believes that your child’s smartphone is a threat to mental well-being. His book, The Anxious Generation: ...

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Gen Z's World Is an Alternate Tech Reality

In his book The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing An Epidemic of Mental Illness, Jonathan Haidt tells the story of what ...

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Mom Facing Possible Charges After Son's Reckless Driving

A growing number of high-profile tragedies are leading to prosecutions of parents not for their actions, but for their failures to act. One such case ...

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The Great Rewiring of Childhood

Jonathan Haidt is a social psychologist who believes that your child’s smartphone is a threat to mental well-being. His new book, The Anxious Generation: ...

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Out With Play, In with Phone-Based Childhood

In his book, The Anxious Generation, author Jonathan Haidt confirms our worst fears about what happened to Generation Z, the first generation to go through ...

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Cannabis Use Linked to High Risk of Anxiety

Using cannabis can have a profound effect on one’s mental health. Canadian researchers have found that those who consistently use cannabis are more ...

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Social Media is ‘Hijacking My Brain’

“It’s hijacking my brain.” Say young people addicted to social media and who are desperate for help. Many people have compared the addictive ...

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