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Sermon Illustrations about Zeal

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Zeal to help bring your sermon to life.

The Faithful, Un-Meteor-like Work of Bert Elliot

In January 2006, author Randy Alcorn had the opportunity to join with Jim Elliot's family for a dinner that marked the 50th anniversary of the martyrdom ...

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Children's Bible "Product of Much Pain"

Prolific children's author George Koshy spent three years writing a children's Bible, the first of its kind to be originated in any Indian language. ...

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Persecuted Pastor: "Jesus Made Me Ready for Battle Again"

Josef Tson was a Romanian pastor and educator who suffered terribly under the Communists before the fall of the Iron Curtain. In a sermon he once preached, ...

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St. Francis's Extreme Embrace of Poverty

Among his many virtues, [St. Francis of Assisi] is known for his passionate embrace of poverty. Not only did he forbid his emerging Order to own property, ...

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Good Radicals and Bad Radicals

A Christian writer named Mike Barrett got interested in the idea of connecting with and learning from those who live a more radical faith. In an article ...

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Graduate Student Risks Reputation for One Small Step of Faith

Courtney Ellis writes:

When I attended graduate school for English, there were many occasions when my fellow students openly ridiculed the name of Christ. ...

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Still Complaining While the Cup's Overflowing

It is a rare person who, when his cup frequently runs over, can thank God instead of complaining about the limited size of his mug!

—Bob Russell, ...

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The Partnership of Missions and Business in China

In an article for Today's Christian about the rapid growth of the church in China, Rob Moll tells the story of a missionary and businessman called ...

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NASCAR Racers Need Speed

Diandra Leslie-Pelecky, a physics professor at the University of Texas, wrote a book about the physics of NASCAR racing, and for her research she was ...

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William Borden: Living with No Regrets

In 1904 William Borden graduated from a Chicago high school. As heir to the Borden Dairy estate, he was already a millionaire. For his high school graduation ...

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