Craft & Character Podcast
Episode 79 | 47 min
A Church Planter's First Sermon Series with Micah E. Davis

As a leader, how well do you know your people and city? As a preacher, how much does your context shape your content?
For Micah Davis, the pastor of teaching and vision at a new church plant, The Sanctuary in Indianapolis, there’s a deep connection between who he serves and how he leads. After hearing God whisper “pastor your neighborhood” during a prayer walk, he’s ignited by the realization that God raises up particular people in specific places一a vision that excites and fuels his church plant.
In this conversation with Steve Carter, Micah highlights some key aspects of planting a church, especially in a Gen Z, urban context:
How to lead people into spiritual formation, not just more information.
How to choose your first sermon series.
The profound role of prayer一something that’s easy to overlook.
Why it’s important to exegete your city一to know its hurts and strengths.
This conversation will rekindle your heart for the place and people God is calling you to lead and teach.
Also, check out Micah’s forthcoming book: Trailblazers: A Journey to Discover God’s Purpose For Your Life.
Micah’s books: Trailblazers: A Journey to Discover God’s Purpose For Your Life
The book Micah mentions: Joshua Becker, The More of Less