Craft & Character Podcast
Episode 84 | 44 min
Start to Finish with Mark Dance

Do you ever feel like the tyranny of the urgent runs your life? Do you ever feel shame for wanting to take a day off or go on a vacation?
As pastors, the needs are great and time is limited. Sadly, for many this means neglecting the things that matter most: our relationship with God, family, and the health of our souls.
In this episode, Mark Dance, Director of Pastoral Wellness for Guidestone Financial Resources, explains to Steve Carter that orienting our lives around the two greatest commandments一loving God and neighbor一can be a joyful, restful experience. To deny yourself, as Jesus commands, doesn’t mean you should neglect yourself.
In his new book, Start to Finish, Mark explains how to reclaim the life God wants for you as a leader一a life defined by balance, peace, friendship, rest, and wisdom.
Every dollar from book sales go to Mission:Dignity, an organization that honors retirement-age ministers, workers, and widows struggling to meet basic needs through advocacy and financial assistance.
Mark’s books: Start to Finish: The Pastor’s Guide to Leading a Resilient Life and Ministry