Monday Morning Preacher Podcast
Episode 35 | 15 min
When Bad Pressures Happen to Good Preachers
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Season three has officially begun. In episode one, Matt Woodley and Kevin Miller talk about four "Bad Pressures" that preachers often face and how to deal with them. They’ll discuss how pressure manifests itself in preaching, and practical ways to address it, through personal prayer and confession. Part of that means being aware, of sensitive topics, of our own weakness and need for God’s annointing. Good pressure gives you a sense of "gravitas" to the message you're about to share. Bad pressure comes with sweaty palms, or fear and anxiety to preach the Word of God.
Here’s the prayer from Martin Luther that Kevin references.
“[Lord,] you know how unworthy I am to fill so great and important an office. Were it not for your counsel, I would have utterly failed long ago. Therefore I call upon you for guidance. Gladly will I give my heart and voice to this work. I want to teach the people. I want always to seek and study in your Word, and eagerly to meditate upon it. Use me as your instrument. Lord, do not forsake me. If I were alone, I would ruin everything. Amen (Luther’s Prayers).”
Matt Woodley is the pastor of compassion ministries at Church of the Resurrection in Wheaton, Illinois.