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Myths That Make Us Miserable
The myths that make us miserable are destroyed by confrontation with the truth.
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Strong to the Finish
People are remembered for how they finish—their lives, their relationships, their ministry. When life gets tough, God helps us run the race before us.
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Real Giving
Our trust grows when we give to God in ways that make us dependent on him.
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Rising to the Occasion
The life of Laura Scott Taylor points us to the resurrected Christ.
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The Problem with Gambling
Gambling is addictive, leads to corruption, ruins lives, and violates Scripture.
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What Jesus Would Say to Jack Kevorkian
The consequences of legally assisted suicide would be morally and ethically disastrous.
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Why God is Father, Not Mother
The authority of Scripture mandates God must be called Father.
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It's Decision Time
We must not waste time being indecisive; we must step out in faith and make choices.
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Why Christ Had to Die
Not until we fully understand our human condition—that of total depravity—can we fully appreciate what God did for us through Christ's death and resurrection.
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Back from Failure
After denying Christ three times, Peter had certainly failed. But Jesus restores Peter in a post-resurrection appearance, asking Peter three times if he loves Christ.
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