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Sermons on Abortion

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Preaching on Abortion? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

Taking Life Seriously
Taking Life Seriously


A lot of things happened in 1973. I was a teenager with a face filled with acne and an appetite for adventure. Beth was a cute ten-year-old ...

Because the preborn are people they must be protected.

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You Can’t Look Away
You Can’t Look Away


If you haven’t had the chance yet, I highly recommend the Netflix documentary titled, My Octopus Teacher. Yes, you heard that right: ...

Seeing abortion through the lens of Creation, Fall, and Redemption.

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Abortion or Adoption
Abortion or Adoption


In today’s Gospel we have Jesus reading scripture to the people and telling them good news. And they loved it and they loved him. In ...

Choosing life and God’s plan.

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‘Imago Dei’: One Kingdom. Indivisible.
‘Imago Dei’: One Kingdom. Indivisible.


We’re in an election year. While we won’t tell you who to vote for, we do want to equip you with a biblical understanding of our ...

God created people to steward over his creation, but sin divided people against one another.

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The Zone of Radical Hospitality
The Zone of Radical Hospitality


If you head north on I-35 West out of Minneapolis, take Exit 220, and then go five miles on County Road Six, you’ll hit the farm home ...

The church should offer itself as a zone of radical hospitality, to all, but especially to unborn children.

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God's Love for the Unborn
God's Love for the Unborn


Several years before I became the pastor here [at Tenth Church in Vancouver, BC], my predecessor was talking to a group of people at the church, ...

God loves unborn children and calls on us to do the same.

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Behind the Headlines
Behind the Headlines


I'd like to begin with a reading from John 8:2-11.

At dawn Jesus appeared again in the temple courts, where all the people gathered around ...

The best way to address abortion is to overwhelm our culture with love.

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Murderers and the Murdered One


We're in our sixth week in our series on the Ten Commandments and today we're talking about the sixth commandment, Deuteronomy 5:17: "You ...

Understanding our violation of the sixth commandment

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Choose Life

Today I want to show you arguments from Scripture against abortion. They are not primarily rooted in biology; for example, when is life viable. That's ...

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A Little Lower Than the Angels

There are times when the church of Jesus Christ needs to confront straightforwardly a supreme national tragedy. On Wednesday of this week we will mark ...

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A Heartbeat from Disaster
A Heartbeat from Disaster


In this particular passage of Scripture, the nation of Israel, to the north, has fallen so far from God's desire and purpose that he has ...

Do we see our sin as offensive and a tragedy?

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Knowing the God Who Knows You


Have you ever asked yourself how many times you are photographed in a day? When you walk into the bank or return your cart to the corral in ...

A study of Psalm 139

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A Man Like Us and a God Who Lives


Elijah is one of the Bible's most dramatic characters, because he experienced the light of God's presence even when everything around him ...

No matter how dark the world becomes, God brings the light through people who believe in him.

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Don't You Believe It! Our Lives Are Not Our Own


A new missionary recruit went to Venezuela for the first time. He was struggling with language and didn't understand a whole lot of what ...

The command to not murder is more than a prohibition against unjust killing; it is the command for us to cherish human life—every human life—just as God does.

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