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Sermons on Arguments

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Preaching on Arguments? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

Wisdom in the Cross
Wisdom in the Cross


In his book Once upon a Tree, Calvin Miller writes about an experience years ago when he went to a movie. This was in a day (that some of ...

The Cross reveals worldly wisdom to be foolishness.

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Complaining to God
Complaining to God


Americans complain a lot. The Pilgrims and Puritans came over here because they were complaining about religious authority. We fought for ...

God desires our uncensored honesty, and we should pray that God defend his own causes.

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The Centerpiece of the Gospel


Anyone in marketing or sales knows how these games are played. Products and presentations are sculpted and crafted to tell listeners what ...

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Two Bad Examples
Two Bad Examples

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The story behind the sermon (from Mark Buchanan)

This sermon came near the end of a 10-week series on the letter to the ...

Paul lays out clear steps for peacemaking: rejoice in the Lord, be gentle, pray with thanksgiving, and think about virtues.

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Cravings and Conflicts

Text: James 4:1–2
Topic: Identifying and addressing the source of conflict


There is a relational conflict in your immediate future. You ...

The source of all conflict is internal craving, but we can experience reconciliation by humbling ourselves before God and others.

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Peace in the Church


When I was a pastor in Arizona, there were two men in the church who were greatly admired. They were both successful businessmen who desired ...

The peace of God can only permeate the church when its members live at peace with one another.

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Finding Your Missing Peace


In 1934, Hitler's plague of anti-Semitism was spreading throughout Europe like wildfire. Some would escape it. Millions would die from it. ...

Peacemakers build bridges of reconciliation to others by following the biblical principles of our peacemaking, peace-loving God.

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Dealing with Anger

I had the world's worst buckteeth. In fact, my orthodontist won an award for fixing my mouth. Now impressions are painless, they just put some gook in ...

We must learn to resolve our anger immediately and completely.

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