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Sermons on Christ, lamb of God

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Preaching on Christ, lamb of God? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

The Promise
The Promise


I first got to know my friend Muhammed in the summer of 2001. I'd stop at the Mobil station near our house on Sunday mornings to get a cup ...

God requires a sacrifice that will be the death of us—but he has provided the life that saves us.

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The Dream and the Lamb's Agenda
The Dream and the Lamb's Agenda

Editor's Note: The following sermon was given on January 21, 2013 at the Martin Luther King Jr. National Holiday Commemorative Service at Ebenezer ...

Our hope as a nation isn't in the hands of a donkey or an elephant; our hope rests in the Lamb of God.

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Satan Strikes Out

From the editor:

In the second half of Mark's sermon, he shares that C. S. Lewis once wrote that we often fall prey to two equal yet opposite errors concerning ...

We mustn't fear Satan; we must overcome him.

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The Agony of Victory


Some years ago a 14-foot bronze crucifix was stolen from Cemetery in Little Rock, Arkansas. It had stood at the entrance to that cemetery ...

Through the rejection of the cross Jesus is exalted as king

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Wasted on Jesus

Sermon One

Valentine's Day is tomorrow and I'm jittery. I love my sweetheart—no doubt about that—but I confess that Valentine's Day gives me ...

The cross calls us to worship in ways others would call waste

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The Dinner Guests of God

Sermon Two

Mary Poplin, professor of education and Dean of the School of Educational Studies at Claremont Graduate University, attended a Methodist church ...

How Communion searches and strengthens our hearts

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Where the Battle Is Fought

Sermon Three

Here's a surprise: Most incompetent people don't know they are incompetent. In fact, researcher Dr. David A. Dunning of Cornell University ...

At the hour of crisis, our hope is in prayer

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Sermon Four

Years ago Bill Hybels told about seeing a newscast of a big Vietnam veterans parade in Chicago. Part of the commemoration was a mobile Vietnam ...

For our sake Jesus accepted the charge that cost him his life

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The Faces of Failure

Sermon Five

There was a clip on the sports last night that was painful to watch. College basketball between Memphis and Louisville, championship game—the ...

Peter, Judas, and Pilate demonstrate different ways to fail in faith

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The Agony of Victory

Through the rejection of the cross Jesus is exalted as king

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Which Watchers?

Sermon Seven

Robert Russell, pastor of Southeastern Christian Church in Lexington, Kentucky, told about sitting behind a 5-year-old boy at their church's ...

Christ's Resurrection calls us to believe

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The Gift of Vision

Every human being has a frame of reference through which he or she looks out at the world. These glasses were not given to us by an ophthalmologist. ...

If we are to grow, we must focus upon the Lamb who was slain.

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