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Sermons on Compassion

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Preaching on Compassion? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

Taking Life Seriously
Taking Life Seriously


A lot of things happened in 1973. I was a teenager with a face filled with acne and an appetite for adventure. Beth was a cute ten-year-old ...

Because the preborn are people they must be protected.

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Because He Loved Us
Because He Loved Us


About 25 years ago I almost became a hero for the cause of justice and compassion. For my first job after college, every morning ...

Jesus displayed incredible compassion and then he told us to do likewise.

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God's Love Language
God's Love Language


Why does it take so long to learn how to love the important people in our life? Am I the only slow learner in this crowd? When our kids were ...

Live and love in a way that makes God smile.

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Looking Otherward
Looking Otherward


Many years ago, I had dinner at a place called Windows on the World. The restaurant sat atop a skyscraper so high that the wait staff literally ...

Jesus is what our world needs most—will we conceal him or reveal him?

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Running to the Lost
Running to the Lost


Should God have any enemies?

The popular answer these days is basically this: "No, God shouldn't have any enemies … if there is a God, ...

Often, we're like Jonah—but we belong to Jesus.

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God Is in Pursuit
God Is in Pursuit


What happens when what God wants is different than what you want?

That's one way to summarize what's so difficult about this life, ...

We may be running away from God, but God is still running after us.

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Facing Up to Depression
Facing Up to Depression

Back Story to the Sermon

Editor's Note: Matt Woodley had a chance to interview Mark Meynell about preaching on depression. This interview provides ...

God did not create us to be strong without him, which is why he is interested in our weaknesses.

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Guidelines for a Constructive Church
Guidelines for a Constructive Church

Note from PreachingToday.com: We asked a handful of preachers the following question: What aspect of Dr. King's life and work has had the greatest ...

Too many churches are concerned with a cushion than following Jesus on the way of the cross.

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The Surprise God's Mercy


Imagine that you wake up at 2:00 in the morning, and you think to yourself, Is my life really pleasing to God? What would help you determine ...

There's something that pleases God's heart even more than sacrifice: showing mercy to the messy.

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The Grace of Being Tender-Hearted


I just read the story of a Pennsylvania legislator, newly elected to the Pennsylvania legislature. He said of his legislative agenda, "I want ...

Caring for the poor and immigrants doesn't earn salvation; it's the evidence of our salvation.

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Blessing the World and Ourselves, Too

The Story Behind the Sermon (by Bill Haley)

Why is it important to preach on social justice? It's important to preach on social justice for the simplest ...

Practice justice, like God himself, and you will be blessed and you will bless the world.

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God's Stolen Identity


Identity theft is one of the most rampant crimes sweeping across America. A thief steals someone's Social Security number and personal information ...

When we catch a vision of God's true identity, we'll fall down and worship him.

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The Offering


Today I want to talk about how the difficulties and disappointments of our life can deaden our heart, making them cold and inward-focused. ...

The gospel opens our closed hearts so we can respond to God with radical generosity.

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God Will Bring Justice for You


When the Scripture was read, you may have thought, This is a strange message for a weekend when we are welcoming large numbers of first-time ...

Resting in the hard truth of God's justice softens our hearts towards God and others.

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The Harvest


In the stories of Jesus' ministry, he's giving us a preview of the kingdom of God. What would it look like on this broken planet full of broken ...

Jesus' ministry offered a preview of God's kingdom, and we are invited to participate in this ministry.

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Think Hard, Stay Humble

Today I'm going to preach on humility. This is the topic assigned to me for this conference. Let's start by looking at 1 Corinthians 8:1-3:

Now concerning ...

Does your love-in-action make people say, "Being with you is like being with Jesus?"

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Unexpected Kindness
Unexpected Kindness


I want you to imagine with me a hypothetical situation. You get a certified letter in the mail, and it's kind of mysterious. It looks ...

David's generosity with Mephibosheth is a picture of God's grace and generosity with us.

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What Christmas Love Always Does

From the editor:

Every year at Christmastime, news stations run video segments of crazy shoppers pushing and shoving each other to get their hands on the ...

God gave lavishly to us, and we will be blessed when we give lavishly to others.

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Loss, Loyalty, & Lament


I've never been one to read romance novels, but lately I've been reading one. It's been a good one, too. Believe it or not, it's a book I ...

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Recognizing Divine Interruptions

Matthew 1:18-25:

This is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about: His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, ...

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The Eyes of a Doctor

From the editor:

Here's a sermon from Donald Sunukjian on what we ought to do when we encounter someone who has yet to know God. We've mentioned before ...

We must have the eyes of a doctor, not the eyes of a judge.

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The Sermon That Inspired Murder
The Sermon That Inspired Murder

From the editor:

We feel that this featured sermon from regular contributor Kevin Miller can inspire ideas for two different sermons: a sermon on the divinity ...

God is on a rescue mission to deliver this world—a mission that was started in Christ and continues with us.

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Torn by Pain


In 1997 Sara McLachlan wrote a song entitled "Dear God." It's a searing complaint against God—raw, brutally honest, and irreverent. ...

Humans need to lament their losses.

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The Christmas Plunge

From the editor:

Who doesn't love reflecting on the amazing story of Mary, a teenage girl swept up in something so unexpected, so epic? The Incarnation ...

God's willingness to step into our mess comforts us—and calls us to a new standard of living.

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The Refining Love of God


In this Advent season, we are looking at the theme of God's promise of better days for our lives. That is the hope of Advent and Christmas, ...

Malachi bring assurance and warning.

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Happy Trails


The prospect of wrestling with God is not all that pleasant. Consider the man who knows God is calling him out on his abrupt and unfeeling ...

The surprising power of God's grace

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Softening the World's Harshness


Let's look at John 15:1-17 together. These are likely very familiar words. They're the words of Jesus on the last night of his time ...

The kindness and goodness of the Holy Spirit

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A Better Peace Prize


At the turn of the 20th century, a man named Alfred was one of the preeminent scientists and entrepreneurs of his day. He made his fortune ...

The heart of a peacemaker

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Annihilate the Amalekites

From the editor:

One of the chief hang-ups people have with God is the wrath he pours out in the Old Testament. How can a loving God call for the slaying ...

The wrath God exhibits in the Old Testament is true to his merciful and just character.

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Unprovoked Love
Unprovoked Love

From the editor

Mark Buchanan offers a few twists on a theme we've all preached one time or another: agape love. Perhaps you've preached about fostering ...

The three groups of people for whom we need agape love are the losers, the winners, and our enemies.

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Loss, Loyalty, and Lament

Text: Ruth 1:1–22
Topic: Learning to make the right choices in difficult times

From the editor:

Perhaps you're looking for a unique way to approach ...

In the midst of our loss, God is still at work, and his ultimate aim is to bless us.

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Church: The Message of 1 Corinthians

From the editor

In this sermon, Mark Dever offers a bird's eye view of one of Paul's longer letters, helping the audience hang their hats on a few critical ...

The purpose of the church is to manifest to the world the character of God.

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Beyond Comfort


Where do you turn for comfort when you encounter loss, pain, or disappointment? Some people turn to food. For some reason, certain foods—like ...

God gives comfort enough to share.

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M. Night Shyamalan's film Unbreakable begins with a train wreck. Everyone on board is killed—over a hundred people—except for ...

We demonstrate the power of Christ by enduring hardship.

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Lessons from Lepers


We often look at thanksgiving backwards. We think of thanksgiving as thanking God for something that has happened to us already. The real ...

Thankfulness creates an opportunity for further blessing.

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Stewards of Just-Us or Justice?
Stewards of Just-Us or Justice?

I graduated from college over 20 years ago now. As communication majors, one of the things we learned is that people respond to positive messages and ...

Christians need to actively work for social justice on both a small and large scale.

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Stewards of Just-Us or Justice

Text: Malachi 2:17–3:5
Topic: What Christians should do about social justice


I graduated from college over 20 years ago. As communication ...

Christians need to actively work for social justice on both a small and large scale.

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What God Wants from You More Than Anything Else
What God Wants from You More Than Anything Else


What does God want from you? What does he expect? Do you know?

That's a question that every person has to answer. Because if there is a God—and ...

To love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, say "yes" to him.

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Pledging Love


We have been learning how to deal with difficult people from the story of Saul and David. Today we come to the central theme of the whole ...

A loyal person keeps a covenant, no matter the cost.

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The Man Born Blind


A few years ago, I realized I was going blind. Now, long before my sight began to be radically diminished, a medical doctor told me there ...

In suffering, we can see the greatness of God.

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Separation Can Lead to Isolation


Imagine a weird world where, before you can be admitted to a hospital, you have to have a clean bill of health. A world where doctors won't ...

Why the Pharisees liked bubbles, and why we should avoid them

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Being a Bridge-Builder


Recently, I read about a retired executive from Decatur, named Richard Reeves. Ten years ago, Richard became captivated by the dream of Africa ...

There are many bridges to build—bridges of hope, comfort, care, justice, compassion.

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Keys to a Useful Life


The personnel manager of a large corporation recently said that the chief problem in industry and business today is certainly not over-production, ...

The ultimate standard of a useful life is not what we think and expect of ourselves as much as what we are willing to do for those around us.

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The Sociable Outcast

Jesus did not fit very well into the society of his day. If you wanted to describe him in sociological terms, you might say he was an "outsider." ...

Jesus became a sociable outcast by opening himself up to outsiders, and he calls us to do the same.

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The Pattern of Jesus' Life


With three broad strokes of his pen, the earliest Gospel writer delineated the pattern of the life and ministry of Jesus. Mark 1:35-42 offers ...

Jesus' life was marked by mediation, proclamation, and compassion; ours must be also.

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Christmas Compassion: How to Give Christmas Gifts All Year Long

It's commonly accepted that people should be compassionate during the Christmas season, and it's a sociological fact that they are. People tend to do ...

We should show Christmas compassion year round.

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A Course in Compassion

This is part three of our series titled "A Declaration of Independence." Some might have the misconception that making a declaration of independence ...

Only those who are independent-who are in charge in of their own lives and are living in pursuit of a God-given purpose-can be truly compassionate.

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When Your Enemy Prospers

God spares Nineveh, and Jonah is angry. He said: God, I knew you'd do that. That's why I didn't go, because I know you're gracious and forgiving, and ...

When we believe God's grace for ourselves and for our enemy, we really live

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Telltale Tears
Telltale Tears

The Bible consists of different books. These books are made up of 1,189 chapters, and these chapters are comprised of 31,173 verses. The shortest of all ...

"Jesus wept" speaks volumes about our Savior's humanity, compassion and tenderness—and teaches us something about the way we should be.

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When Your Enemy Prospers

When Your Enemy Prospers

by Bruce Larson

God spares Nineveh, and Jonah is angry. He said: God, I knew you'd do that. That's why I didn't go, because I ...

When we believe God's grace for ourselves and for our enemy, we really live

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