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Sermons on Daniel

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Preaching on Daniel? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

How to Survive in a Fallen World
How to Survive in a Fallen World


Americans are threatened in a way today that I think is unusual in our history. Just this week I read parts of three publications freely available ...

We are attentive, humble, and obedient to God because his power is complete and his good purposes are to preserve us through trials, to give us everlasting righteousness, and to purify us through Jesus Christ.

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Surviving Today's Opposition
Surviving Today's Opposition


Several years ago, Woody Allen began a commencement address with this observation: "More than any other time in history, mankind faces a crossroads. ...

We will face trials, but with God as our hope, and because of his faithfulness and sovereignty, we will overcome them.

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Weathering the Storms of Compromise
Weathering the Storms of Compromise


People wonder, Is it really possible to be a Christian in today's world? So much of the values of this world are inimical to Christian ...

Is it possible to follow Christ without compromise? The Bible gives a resounding yes.

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