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Sermons on Discipleship

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Preaching on Discipleship? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

National Reflections
National Reflections


This past week, our elders met to pray and talk about our church and the level of churning in our nation these days around issues of political ...

How to think biblically in times of political chaos.

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Rethinking the Great Commission


We believe in our community that the gospel is the account of God coming to dwell in the midst of his people, so we read the gospel lesson ...

How do disciples live out the Church's mission?

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The Great Adventure
The Great Adventure


In his wonderful book, The Island of Lost Maps, author Miles Harvey shares a sentiment with which I think many of us can probably resonate. ...

When Jesus says 'Follow me,' it's the most amazing invitation you will ever get. Say yes to it.

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The Rebel in All of Us


Why are you the way you are? Have you ever asked yourself that question? Why aren't you like somebody else? Is it your genes? In ...

Despite our history, will we be rebels or followers of Christ?

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Making Room for God to Burst Forth in Your Life
Making Room for God to Burst Forth in Your Life


Today we will talk about making room for God to burst forth in your life. The story of the young ruler reflects one of the major themes in ...

Jesus calls us to release our clutter and follow him—no matter what it costs.

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Deny Ability
Deny Ability


Years ago Clarence Jordan started an interracial Christian community, Koinonia Farm, down in Georgia. He suffered greatly for his stand, ...

Being a true disciple means following Jesus on his own terms instead of your own.

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Running with Endurance


Hebrew chapter 12, verses 1, 2, and 3 is the focus today. Let's read the Word of the Lord:

Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses ...

The race of faith isn't a sprint; it's a marathon of enduring for and with Jesus.

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Why the Biggest Loser Wins


In Mark 10:17-27, we meet a man who is a lot like us. For one thing, he has clearly been through the part of the spiritual journey where a ...

The saddest thing in the world is someone who clings to this world's concept of wealth and, in so doing, misses the treasure of heaven.

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The Transforming Word


It's been called the speech that changed America. I'm talking, of course, of Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech at the Lincoln ...

Preaching as discipleship

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Jesus and John - Together to Trust


The year was 155 AD and the place was Smyrna, in the Roman province of Asia. There was a new wave of persecution that was sweeping against ...

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Tide Riding


During the troubled years of the Second World War, the Italian forces were driven out of Eritrea in North Africa. In an effort to make the ...

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It's All in Your Head

Story behind the sermon (from Mark Buchanan)

When I first came to New Life Church, I established the practice that every January I would preach a month-long ...

Just as we have a kingdom responsibility to manage the material things that God gives us, so we have a kingdom responsibility to manage the immaterial things he gives.

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A Disciple's Approach to Drinking

From the editor:

Few topics are more controversial than alcohol. Should a follower of Christ imbibe or abstain? In this sermon from regular contributor ...

While we are free to enjoy God's blessings, including drink, this requires great responsibility—especially for leaders.

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I don't know many people who want to come to the end of their lives and say, "I never made an impact on anything or anyone?but I'm okay with ...

Receiving God's grace

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Jesus and John—Together to Trust

Text: Assorted texts from the Gospel of John
Topic: A probing question for Christ-followers

From the editor:

John is one of the more intriguing people ...

You trust Jesus, but can Jesus trust you?

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Gone Fishin'

From the editor

John 21 is a powerful story of a fallen disciple, Peter, being restored by Christ. Many a sermon has been preached on the varying uses ...

If we love Christ, we will care about what he cares about.

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Cross Here


One of the great ironies of history is that those who took Jesus to Calvary believed they were forcing him to his dead-end; in reality, Jesus ...

When you can't get there from here

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Cross Talk


There are times when the greatest power to change the world proceeds not from an act of forceful self-assertion, but from an act of gracious ...

When silence is not golden

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Cross Bow


I recently turned on the news and found myself confronted with another one of those stories that have become so common; my great fear is that ...

When homicide feels justified

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Cross at God


For the longest time, I hoped that my brother, Jeffrey, would return to the Christian faith. He once was an active Christian, but something ...

When life hurts and God's gone

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Cross Over


It was an ordinary day of commuting Cameron Hollopeter. The 20-year-old film student made his way down the steps into a New York City subway ...

When you come upon people in pain

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Cross Out


In August of 2003, the Church of the Holy Cross in New York City was broken into twice. In the first break-in, thieves made away with a metal ...

When we'd like the Cross to be just for Jesus

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Finding God in Desperate Places


I'd like to write a book someday called Desperate Places: How God Shines Through Our Weakness. These desperate places are places of weakness, ...

Experiencing God's strength in our weakness

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Keep the Dust off the Highchairs

Text: Luke 2:52
Topic: Why the young people of a church are important


I once attended the funeral of a relative of mine. The service was at ...

The church has a responsibility to place a high priority on youth.

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A Day in the Life of Simon of Cyrene

Text: Mark 15:21
Topic: What it might have been like for Simon of Cyrene to take up Jesus' cross.


My time on the road of history was brief. ...

We are all called to take up the cross for Christ.

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Jesus Uncensored


I want you to replay a video in your head about coming to chapel this morning. You leave your room, checking your watch to make sure you have ...

Jesus didn't just bring love and peace—he brought a sword, too.

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Follow Me


Of all the things that Jesus ever said, one of my absolute favorites is the thing he says in John 21:12. Maybe you noticed it. The text reads: ...

When Jesus won't just do brunch

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We Need a Downpour

Text: Hosea 6:1
Topic: Why we need revival

Where would we be without the Lord? Where would we be individually; where would we be in our family? Where would ...

Christians view life not as a process, but as a series of crises where we continually return to God and his plan for our life.

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What God Wants From Us

It seems that there was once a clerk in a large candy store who always had people waiting in line, even when the other clerks were standing around with ...

Christians who worship God, serve God, and obey God will please God.

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Body Building


Every now and again, I get the urge to do a little bodybuilding. As you may notice, it has been a long time since I've really had that urge. ...

God equips his church in order to do his work through a unified body.

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Work Hard, But …


I first met Danny G. the Sunday morning he came down the aisle during decision time with his wife in tow. I had known he would probably ...

If we sow the seed of the gospel, we will be frustrated, heartbroken, in danger of distraction, and yet overwhelmed by God's blessings.

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What It Means to Take Jesus Seriously

This is the second week of the series in Matthew called "The Master's Guide to Greatness." From a human standpoint, you can say that Jesus achieved ...

Taking Jesus seriously means that we have to let go of the things that hold us back.

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Getting Straight About Discipleship

How many of you know what it means to have a "Leon Lett" moment? Most football fans will recognize the reference. A few years ago Dallas was playing ...

In order to experience the fullness of God's blessings in your life, you must give him your life.

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Confronting Discipleship

In nearly every case, joining a church is a simple process. You walk the aisle, fill out a card, maybe answer a couple of questions, and you're in. ...

There is cost of discipleship, and those who wish to be holy must be willing to pay it.

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A Life Worth Dying for

Gene Vance Jr. lived two distinctly different lives. In one life, he was devoted cyclist who worked in bicycle shop; he was a college student, he was ...

The best way to live a life worth dying for is to live the Great Commission.

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Becoming a Life Long Student

Recently I attended the graduation ceremony of a small liberal arts college. The number of graduates was rather small, so as the student's name was ...

To be a Christ-follower means to be a lifelong student.

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Practice of Patience

Someone handed me a little clipping this past week. A couple of young men from Chicago decided they were tired of the hustle and bustle of city life. ...

Real discipleship is seen by our response to trials.

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The Meaning of Discipleship

In those days all kinds of people had disciples, and two of the Greek words that were in common use at that time were didaskalos, which means teacher, ...

The essence of discipleship is relationship.

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Born to Live

Jesus is enjoying the most exhilarating moment of his life. He has just finished being the guest of honor in the Palm Sunday parade. His archenemies, ...

God meets us at our point of vulnerability

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Ordinary Folks Make Great Disciples

It used to be that you could talk about being a Christian and people would know what you meant. But then the term Christian got somewhat confused, and ...

A disciple of Christ is in relationship with him to learn and apply what he is saying.

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Practice of Patience

Someone handed me a little clipping this past week. A couple of young men from Chicago decided they were tired of the hustle and bustle of city life. ...

Real discipleship is seen by our response to trials.

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Making More Disciples
Making More Disciples

The abbot of the monastery called the novice into his office and instructed him to give the homily at the next morning's chapel. Well, the novice ...

Evangelism is more than just giving information about Jesus; it includes making disciples who are committed to Christ for a lifetime.

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Scripture records of Jesus Christ that on one particular occasion he was walking by the Sea of Galilee, and he saw two Simon, who called ...

Jesus calls us to lay aside our differences and our distractions, and to take up the cross.

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