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Sermons on Easter

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Preaching on Easter? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

A Body You Have Prepared
A Body You Have Prepared


At Christmas we remember that Jesus came among us. The Second Person of the Trinity lowered himself, condescended, and became a man. That’s ...

He took a body to give his body.

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Ode to a Donkey
Ode to a Donkey


Today is Palm Sunday, the day the church celebrates Jesus’ triumphant entry into the city of Jerusalem, only to be crucified by the ...

The donkey points to Jesus and serves him, so we can too.

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What’s Your Eau De Toilette?: An Extravagant Example for an Extraordinary God
What’s Your Eau De Toilette?: An Extravagant Example for an Extraordinary God


If you had one opportunity to show Jesus how much you loved him, what would you do? What might you say? What offering might you bring? ...

When we worship Jesus, no gift is too precious.

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A Bad Day
A Bad Day


As we walk thru life all of us are going to have some good days, some average days, and some bad days.

One of my bad days happened ...

The worst day for Jesus was the best day for us.

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Heavenly Reality
Heavenly Reality


Happy Easter everyone! When you think about the future, how do you feel?

For most of us, when we think about the future, it brings all sorts ...

Because of the Resurrection your future is secure.

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It’s Time for a Fresh Start
It’s Time for a Fresh Start

Introduction: The Story

(Read John 21:1-14)

It was an early morning on the North Shore of the Sea of Galilee. A light haze of fog hung over the water making ...

The resurrection of Jesus forgives your past and restores your future.

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There were three sisters—ages 92, 94, and 96—who lived together. One night, the 96-year-old drew a bath. She put one ...

Remembering the gospel, gives us strength for the present and hope for the future.

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Unshakeable Hope
Unshakeable Hope


Happy Easter! Welcome to the largest digital Easter the world has ever seen, as thousands of churches are online right now!

It’s been ...

The resurrection of Jesus offers us unshakable hope because we have God’s peace, presence and power!

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An Event That Changes Everything
An Event That Changes Everything


Philippians is Paul's final letter to a church. He writes it from his imprisonment in Rome. In Philippians 2:6-11, we listened to St. ...

We can wager on truth and we can wager on life because of God’s love, God’s love that is the event that happened.

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More Than Your Personal Savior
More Than Your Personal Savior


For over three decades, Paul Harvey made a name for himself by telling “the rest of the story.” Day after day he came on our radios ...

Jesus our Savior is Christ the Victor.

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Lazarus the First
Lazarus the First


When Jesus heard that his friend Lazarus was gravely ill, the first thing he did was nothing.

To be fair: I don’t know exactly what it ...

If Jesus could conquer death for this one man, maybe he could conquer death for us all.

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A Tale of Two Basins
A Tale of Two Basins

The entire story of Holy Week can be told with two basins. And maybe the entire story of your life, and my life, can be told with two basins.

Here is that ...

Will we choose the basin of service or the basin of power, we can only choose one.

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Taken Up Into Glory
Taken Up Into Glory


In this series we have been walking in the footsteps of Jesus during his final days on earth. I have sought to employ the metaphor of being ...

We are to fulfill the mission God has called each of us to complete.

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Our Suffering Servant
Our Suffering Servant


With every step we have taken, the cross has slowly been coming into view. Certain death is looming over the Savior. As the tour continues, ...

The death and burial of Christ sets the stage for the true victory that every believer has in Christ.

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Burning Hearts
Burning Hearts


Several months ago, my wife and I had the privilege of going to the Billy Graham Library in Charlotte (If you are ever in Charlotte, NC you ...

Jesus appeared to strengthen the faith of those who would carry the message after him and for us today to understand that Jesus is truly alive.

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Believing Is Seeing
Believing Is Seeing


As our tour comes to an end, we will watch one more story featuring an important discussion between Jesus and Thomas, the disciple who doubted. ...

Stop disbelieving and become a believer!

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Anguish in the Garden


We have left the upper room where Jesus has identified the one who will betray him as he reclines at a table to celebrate Passover and institute ...

We ought to submit and surrender as Christ submitted and surrendered to his Father.

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An Upper Room Revelation
An Upper Room Revelation

Overview of Sermon Series

Many years ago, my wife and I visited Alcatraz Prison in San Francisco, CA. Let me emphasize visited! We toured the prison via ...

A ceremony instituted to remind us of Christ’s sacrifice for our sin.

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A Tale of Two Trees
A Tale of Two Trees


This is the highest of holy days for the Christian church. This is the day where not only do we remember that Jesus died and he was buried, ...

Are you living your life according to the Judas tree or the Jesus tree?

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Cursing the Tree and Curing the Temple
Cursing the Tree and Curing the Temple


When the emergency room staff at a Rhode Island hospital viewed the scans of this 86-year-old man, they discovered a blood clot, a hematoma, ...

Jesus demonstrates through two action parables that he came to restore us to right relationship with God and with each other.

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I Am King, You Say
I Am King, You Say


Do you remember what happened this week? This week, as he rode into Jerusalem, they put their cloaks before him and took branches from date ...

The ones guilty of Christ death aren’t those in the passage, but those reading it.

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Resurrection on Trial
Resurrection on Trial


Have you heard of Snopes.com? If you want to check out a rumor or a legend that’s online—you get some email that says some guy ...

The earnest listener and honest inquirer has been invited to see that Jesus is the real deal, to believe, and therefore to live.

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All About the Resurrection
All About the Resurrection


Are you really who you say you are?

We are doubted every day. Every time we log in. Every time we swipe. Every time we try to unlock our phones. ...

Pastors don’t just get to preach resurrection; we get to live it.

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Jesus Shows Up in Mary Magdalene's Darkest Hour
Jesus Shows Up in Mary Magdalene's Darkest Hour


(Read John 20:1-18)

When we come to the resurrection, we first have to consider some questions that many of our friends have and why some believe ...

There is no one who can call our name like Jesus can.

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Crossed Over
Crossed Over


(Read John 5:24-25)

A few years ago I was talking to a friend at a coffee shop a couple days before Easter. "I know you aren't much of a churchgoer," ...

Every time someone hears and believes Jesus’ good news now, it is an Easter story.

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God Wins
God Wins


(Read John 20:19-29)

On election night in 1976, I sat in a little dark storage closet at the back of a campaign headquarters in Yonkers, New ...

Because of the hope of the resurrection, we do not have to live without hope.

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Easter Hope
Easter Hope


This is part of my story with my dad.

September 18 of this past year was profoundly memorable for me. My dad, who was almost 84, passed away. ...

The reality of Easter is something worth celebrating.

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Surprise Ending
Surprise Ending


We like our Bible stories to end with a bang: Israel escaping from Egypt through the watery walls of the Red Sea, the walls of Jericho tumbling ...

Rejoice in the many personal endings to the Gospel of Mark's ending.

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The Key to a Meaningful Life
The Key to a Meaningful Life


Maybe this is the first time you've ever stepped foot into a church. Or maybe you don't normally go to church unless it's Christmas ...

The Resurrection happened—and the Resurrection matters.

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Not What We Expected
Not What We Expected


(Illustration: Description of seeing the Mona Lisa for the first time.)

Have you ever had an experience where things didn't turn out as you ...

What happens when Jesus opens our eyes to recognize him?

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The Incognito Christ
The Incognito Christ


April 12, 2007: A 39-year-old man stationed himself next to a trash bin at the L'Enfant Plaza subway station in Washington, D.C. He had on ...

Sometimes Jesus shows up when we least expect it.

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Stories Converge at Easter
Stories Converge at Easter


Read (Mark 1:1)

I started to read Unbroken: A WWII Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption. On the front cover is the title, the subtitle, ...

The storylines of Eden, Israel, and Rome converge with the resurrection of Jesus.

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Maundy Thursday: It's About You
Maundy Thursday: It's About You


Every Maundy Thursday, I am reminded of a particular event that occurred during my time at Seattle Pacific University. My senior year, I took ...

Jesus' call to love one another begins with Jesus' love for you.

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Heaven: Hope for the Long Tomorrow
Heaven: Hope for the Long Tomorrow


Don't you love Easter? There's something about it, isn't there? Here are a few fun facts about Easter you may not have known: The word, "Easter" ...

Through the Resurrection there is hope in a new life in Christ.

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The Death of Death
The Death of Death


There are moments in time when all of a sudden something happens and everything changes. There are so many examples of this that it's almost ...

The Resurrection is real and changes everything.

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Resurrection Realities
Resurrection Realities


Concerned with the quantity of church growth and the quality of church life confronts us on every hand. We are barraged at conferences with ...

We need a passion for Jesus and his presence above all else.

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The Final Week, Were You There?
The Final Week, Were You There?


Artist Hieronymus Bosch painted Christ carrying his cross in 1505. Christ was surrounded in the painting by such notably ghoulish and revolting ...

Jesus takes expediency, injustice, and selfishness into himself, and offers us resurrection.

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The Resurrection Matters—Really Matters!
The Resurrection Matters—Really Matters!


Like many of you, this Easter, I celebrate a radical truth—that Jesus died and rose to pay the price for our failures and affirm he ...

The resurrection matters to how we live.

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Two Graves, Two Gardens
Two Graves, Two Gardens


Read Genesis 3:8-22 and John 19:38-20:18

There were no streetlights, headlights, or even flashlights. There was just darkness, and some women ...

Jesus not only reverses the story of Adam, but he reverses our story as well.

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The Empty Niche
The Empty Niche


During Spring Break recently, my son Reed and I drove through upstate New York and passed near the town of Saratoga. Saratoga is a lovely ...

Jesus challenges our culture's understanding of perks, power, and piety.

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What Happens When We Die?


A few months ago, Google made this announcement:

Not many of us like thinking about death—especially our own. But making plans for what ...

To understand death today we must take hold of the future.

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Hope Is a Who


Life has a way of killing dreams, doesn't it? You set out with high hopes—for your schooling, your career, your family, and your ...

If life has a way of killing dreams, Christ's resurrection has a way of bringing them back to life.

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The Best Is Yet To Come


It all began with Mary and Martha—that cool Easter morning—coming to a lonely Palestinian tomb. I don't think they had any idea ...

Smelling the sweet aroma of the Christ's resurrection.

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Jesus Vindicated
Jesus Vindicated


Luke 24, verses 1 to 53—this stuff is too wonderful for words. It's very easy to outline this chapter:

  • Lk 24:1-12, The empty tomb;

The Resurrection makes the future certain, personal, and unimaginable.

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Your New Identity


At age 95, Rabbi Hershel Schachter died in the Bronx, New York. A name that doesn't mean much to most of you, but a few of you will remember ...

Easter means that we have the identity of Christ: we're dead and alive in him.

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Resurrection Hope Every Day


I have a friend in Minnesota who is a landscape architect. A few years ago, shortly after she had moved to a new place, she led me around ...

Christ's life-changing, cosmic-reordering resurrection power is good news for us every day of the year.

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Good News When You're Confronted by Death


Luke 7:11-17 says this:

Soon afterward, Jesus went to a town called Nain, and his disciples and a large crowd went along with him. As ...

As you shuffle toward the grave, take heart; Jesus has conquered death.

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What's Your Story?


Have you heard of Storycorps? Storycorps is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to celebrate the lives of everyday Americans by inviting ...

The life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the world's greatest story—and it's entirely true.

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Encounter on Golgotha Road
Encounter on Golgotha Road

From the editor:

We recently posted an Easter message by John Ortberg, because the themes like atonement, the Cross, resurrection, etc. are never out of ...

God is always at work, leading us to times and places where we might meet him.

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The Uncomfortable Truth of Easter
The Uncomfortable Truth of Easter

From the editor:

At the 2008 National Pastors Conference in San Diego, Preaching Today got to interview N. T. Wright about his book Surprised by Hope and ...

As Easter people, it is our duty to make Christ's kingdom and justice known in his world.

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