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Sermons on Faith & Prayer

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Preaching on Faith & Prayer? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

A Distraught Dad, His Demonized Boy, and a Faith that Moves Mountains
A Distraught Dad, His Demonized Boy, and a Faith that Moves Mountains

Author’s Introduction: If Mark 9:30-50 defies interpretation, as commentator Eugene Boring claims, the verses that immediately precede are only ...

Mountain-moving faith is a faith that accepts only God can resolve ‘this kind.’

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Church: The Wisdom of God on Display

The last couple of weeks, we've been going through a series in the Books of Acts and looking at this very important question: What is the church? ...

The church exists for a supernatural purpose: to declare God's wisdom to the world's rulers and authorities.

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I Pray the Lord My Soul to Keep

From the editor:

Here's another great sermon from one of our featured preachers, Bryan Wilkerson—an in-depth look at the last few lines of the Lord's ...

Whatever may come, we must ask God to lead us in a way that honors him, blesses others, and advances his good purpose for our lives.

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The House of Prayer


"My temple should be a house of prayer, but you have made it a den of thieves." That stands as one of the harshest indictments ever uttered ...

When we pray believing and pray forgiving, we give our hearts to God and his kingdom.

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The Prime Principle


Abiding in Christ is simply staying near a friend who loves you. But what happens to a person who abides in Christ? If I really walk with ...

Abiding in Christ results in growth, cleanness, productivity, security, and power.

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Scars from an Old Wound

It was the most important day of his life. At long last he was going to be able to enter into the Holy of Holies. Zachariah was a descendant of Aaron; ...

It is our past pain that keeps us from believing what God promises us today.

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